What is the Get Organized Program?
Every neighborhood within Orange County is vital to the overall health of our community. The Orange County Neighborhood Preservation and Revitalization Division wants to help you and your neighborhood make our community the best possible place to live. As residents, we must step forward and take responsibility for our community, our neighborhood, and the quality of life therein; if we don’t…who will?
This program is an Orange County initiative, designed to address the challenges confronting neighborhoods. Upon residents’ request, Neighborhood Preservation and Revitalization Staff will provide the necessary resources to create and maintain a self-sufficient voluntary neighborhood organization. The process begins with a few residents distributing and collecting a neighborhood survey. The information collected from this survey will provide a foundation for the organization.
After the survey data collection, County Staff will conduct approximately three community meetings guiding residents through a course of action to construct organizational bylaws and elect organization leaders. Residents will learn how to effectively identify and address their neighborhood’s concerns.
If this sounds like something your neighborhood could benefit from, contact the Orange Neighborhood Preservation and Revitalization Division today.
What exactly is a Voluntary Neighborhood Organization?
A voluntary neighborhood organization is a group of neighbors who join efforts to improve their quality of life. This type of organization provides a local forum in which residents meet regularly to consider and resolve issues that are important to them as a neighborhood. These grassroots organizations also provide a recognized vehicle for communicating residents’ views to local government.
How is a Voluntary Neighborhood Organization Structured?
Each organization is structured through bylaws established and maintained exclusively by the members. Membership is optional and open to all residents in the neighborhood; owners, renters and local businesses. Democratically elected executive officers work together with issue-focused committees, made up of residents, to achieve the organization’s goals. Meetings are held monthly, bimonthly, or quarterly according to bylaws.
For more details, go here.