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Where do invasive species spread and why? Researchers take a novel approach to find the answer
Researchers at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences took a deep dive to understand why certain locations are more susceptible and attractive to invasions by non-native plants or animals.
Apopka Police Department Burglary Report: February 9th-15th
The Apopka Voice publishes a weekly burglary report from the Apopka Police Department that includes reported burglaries of businesses, residences, and vehicles. 
Parks and Recreation are not 'superfluous' to the neighborhoods inside the Apopka CRA
The Apopka CRA Board discussed the idea of turning a city-owned property on South 8th Street and Highland Avenue into either six new homes, five new homes, four bigger homes, or four homes and a pocket park.
Purcellville, Virginia.
Is Apopka in a 'growth Ponzi scheme'?
Purcellville, a town of 9,000, is considering taking on $34 million in new debt to cover a long list of deferred utility infrastructure projects. Local leaders now have only bad options.
DCF launches new and improved website to help families interested in adoption
The dynamic upgrade enhances the adoption journey by streamlining information about the process and providing prospective adoptive parents with every resource available to connect them with a child in need of a forever family.
UF/IFAS researchers work to prevent a disease threatening your favorite chocolate
A group of UF/IFAS plant pathologists has partnered with the Mars confectionary company to safeguard those cacao tree pods – and the precious beans nestled inside – from a devastating disease: black pod rot.
AAA: Florida gas prices fall 14 cents
Sunday's state average was $3.03 per gallon. That's the lowest daily average price since December, and 2 cents less than the previous 2025 low.
In case you missed it: The Apopka news week in review
In case you missed it, the Apopka News Week in Review includes five articles that shaped the City—all in one place, including details on a plan to fix Border Lake.
Cannabis critic warns lawmakers about dangers of today’s pot, urges against ever legalizing it
A majority of Florida voters (56%) approved legalizing the adult use of cannabis in Florida last year, short of the 60% threshold required for passage.
Several American presidents during the funeral of former President George H.W. Bush.
Must the president be a moral leader?
As scholar James David Barber wrote, the best way to understand a president’s likely responses to a crisis is to understand what that president values most highly.
These highways displaced many Black communities. Some Black activists are using mapping to do the opposite: highlight hidden parts of history.
Black communities are using mapping to document and restore a sense of place
Interstate highway maps do not reflect the reality that in most U.S. cities, the building of major roads was accompanied by the displacement of thousands of Black people from cities.