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… and help support local nonprofits and empower student journalists, too!

The mission of The Apopka Voice is to engage with relevancy, inform with integrity, and inspire greater good at all levels of the community. This mission goes beyond our honest reporting, and encompasses all we do, including our service-centered partnerships with advertisers. Our valued relationships with local businesses drives us to provide opportunities that empower businesses to engage and grow in our community. Advertising isn't just about "doing business” for us, but about genuine care for those that are the backbone of our community – local-centered businesses like you.

As experts in branding and digital marketing, our 4-prong approach gets results: (1) Strategically-placed digital ads; (2) targeted and powerful social media connections; (3) daily subscriber-based newsletter engagement; and (4) the opportunity for you to share your industry expertise through articles published and shared, creating top-of-mind awareness with our hyper-local audience. We hope that through our partnership you will find new ways to connect with your potential client-base and become an influential voice in your specialization.

With the majority of our audience being Apopka residents, we see incredible levels of engagement throughout our online presence. With an average of 50,000+ monthly readers, our CTR (click through rate) of our ads sees exceptional rates for our advertising partners! We are so proud of the direct contact we offer our clients and hope to provide the same points of contact to businesses like yours!

To request a Media Kit, please contact us at info@theapopkavoice.com or call (407) 415-6218.

How we support Apopka charities & student journalists

Since 2021 we have supported the work of our local nonprofit heroes who serve on the front lines in Apopka.  We believe that, no matter the season or reason, we are all trying to give our best to help build a better community, and believe we will be able to do so more successfully when we work together.  We will grow stronger and meet our challenges more equipped as we link arms in every way we can. This is why we continue to provide advertising support to nonprofits throughout the year in the following ways: 

  • Free Run-of-Site ad package will be donated to the nonprofit selected for a quarter, which includes 5 ads on our website, plus social media ads, plus newsletter ads 
  • In addition,  3 articles/press releases will be published and shared  across all our channels
  • And, graphic design services for  ads will be provided as needed 

We have been thrilled to help support the following Apopka-based nonprofits through the years, whether by providing donations, free advertising and ad design, or published articles and press releases

Central Florida Soccer Club

Main Street Apopka

Above and Beyond Pregnancy Center

Habitat for Humanity, Seminole County-Apopka

Heartland Haven Foundation

St. Mary Protectoress Ukrainian Catholic Church

Re-Imagine Communities

Candy's Cats

 Armando Borjas Foundation

Avian Reconditioning Center

8 Cents in a Jar 

New Journey Youth Center 

The Open Door Ministry - Breast Cancer Resources 

Hope CommUnity Center

Loaves & Fishes

Farmworkers Association Apopka

Recommendations are definitely welcome, so please drop us an email info@theapopkavoice.com or text (407) 415-6218. We would love to learn how an Apopka non-profit has helped you or someone you care about, and find ways to encourage them in their work. 

Interning Correspondents: Our commitment to young journalists continues

New York Times Journal Press Room
New York Times Journal Press Room

Thanks to our advertising partners that help keep The Apopka Voice running, 2021 saw the launching of our internship program, which has continued every year since! We couldn't be more thrilled with the students we have been blessed to work with.  Each one has brought and continues to bring such enthusiasm to learn real-world skills, inspires us with creative ideas, are spot-on with professionalism and reporting, and make "team meetings" something we actually look forward to! We have nothing but appreciation to the colleges and universities we partner with to do this, but reserve our deepest joy and thanks to these great students.

Please welcome our 2024-25 interns:

  • Adeen  McKenzie Kennedy - University of Central Florida - Creative Writing
  • Keily Alfonzo - University of Central Florida - Journalism
  • Macy Garcia - University of Central Florida - Communications & Media Studies/PR
  • Kiara Velez - University of Central Florida - Journalism
  • Rob Clark - Rollins College - Marketing and Public Relations
  • Kayley Hayden - University of Central Florida - Photography
  • Katherine Whalen - Florida Southern College - Integrated Marketing Communications

Previous Interns

  • Jake Bell - University of Central Florida - Journalism
  • Katelyn Colley - University of Central Florida - Journalism
  • Mickenzie Hannon - Valencia & University of Florida - Journalism 
  • Matthew Hughes - University of Central Florida - Journalism
  • Crystal Jacome - Full Sail University - Broadcasting & Videography 
  • Alisha Garner - University of Central Florida - Research & Writing
  • Estefania Lazaro - Full Sail University - Marketing 
  • Nathaniel Marrero - Valencia Community College & UCF - Journalism
  • Ava Niemeyer - Forest Lake Academy - Journalism 
  • Allison Petro-Williams - University of Central Florida - Journalism
  • Tristan Robinson - University of Central Florida - Creative Writing & Journalism
  • Yasmene Warren - University of Central Florida - Journalism

You can learn more about our focus on providing students with real-world experience, mentoring, and opportunities for publishing. And if you know a potential student candidate - please do let us know and we'll reach out to them. 

Typically our interns are studying journalism, communications, or digital media, and are either enrolled in studies or recently graduated. We have been an approved business organization to work with student interns since 2021, partnering with Full Sail University, Seminole Community College, University of Central Florida, Valencia Community College, and Rollins College. Occasionally we also take on high school interns who are especially recommended and qualified. 

For more information, brainstorm ideas for your business, or request our Media Kit, please contact us at info@theapopkavoice.com, or call (407) 415-6218. We’d love to partner with you in connecting neighbors, growing customers, and making a difference together!