By George Hyland
A person’s career is vastly different today than it was in the past. Back then, a person would find a job at a local business, and then that’d be it; they’d be there until their retirement. Today, the employment landscape is different. According to a study, people switch jobs once every 4.2 years, on average. Successful people change even more frequently, usually around every three years.
So what does this mean? That the working world is different to what it used to be. It’s much more of an individual journey. Still, you can’t do it alone; it’s too difficult for that. In this article, we’ll look at some of the people you’ll need if you’re going to have a successful career.
Friends and family
It doesn’t matter how talented you are; you’ll have setbacks throughout your career. Even the most skilled workers can end up working for a business that goes out of business. During those low moments, it’ll be your friends and family who will be there to provide the support you need. This is additionally important if you tie your personality to your work, as many people do. In addition to helping you through difficult moments, your friends and family will also be there to celebrate your victories.
Good leaders
A talented football player may have a subpar career if they were managed by a subpar coach. The same goes for your career. As anyone who’s had multiple jobs will know, there are good leaders and bad leaders — and the bad ones can really have a negative impact on your future. Sometimes, there’s little you can do about ending up with a bad management team. You only really know once you’re working there. What you can do is set your standards, and look for another job as soon as you become aware that you may be on a sinking ship.
The experts
It can be relatively easy to get a job. But to get your dream job? That’s much trickier. Given the competition for these roles, not to mention the expertise required, it’s often necessary to work with outside help to ensure you can land the role. The type of experts you’ll need to work with will depend on the role. It could involve working with a recruiter who knows your chosen industry inside out, or if it’s a security-sensitive role, then you may need to work with a security clearance attorney to ensure the process runs smoothly. No matter what type of career-related issue you’re dealing with, there’ll likely be someone who can help.
The best you
Finally, there’s the matter of you. You’re the one who will have the biggest impact on your career success! It’s important to remember that you can’t have everything all at once. If you want your dream job, then you may need to cut down on other things, such as going out with friends. You’ll need to exercise, eat well, and get enough rest. Ultimately, your career will need to take priority.