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Apopka Households

Report: Apopka pays above the national average for household bills


A recent study by the financial website doxo.com finds that household bills in Apopka surpass the national average. The report points to several key factors, with mortgage, rent, auto loans, phone, and cable/internet costs taking center stage as primary contributors to the financial strain on Apopka residents.

The average Apopka household spends $2,267 per month on household expenses. The study found that Apopka was the 49th most expensive in the state and 10.8% higher than the average US city. Household bills account for 41% of annual household income of $63,996 in Apopka.


Mortgage and rent expenses stand out prominently in the analysis, shedding light on the housing market dynamics in Apopka. As the city experiences growth and development, the demand for housing has surged, leading to increased property values. While this indicates a thriving community, it also translates to higher mortgage payments and rent for residents. The real estate boom in Apopka as sets the city apart from the national average, where housing costs might not exert as much pressure on household budgets.


Auto loans also play a significant role in the higher household bills faced by Apopka residents. With the sprawling layout of the city and limited public transportation options, personal vehicles are a necessity for many. The reliance on cars, coupled with the desire for newer models, contributes to higher auto loan payments. Apopka's unique geography and lifestyle choices distinguish it from other U.S. cities, where public transportation infrastructure might offer more cost-effective alternatives.

Cell Phone Costs

Communication is a cornerstone of modern living, and Apopka residents grapple with higher phone bills. The demand for connectivity and the need for robust mobile plans contribute to elevated monthly expenses. The report underscores the importance of communication services as a significant financial burden in Apopka, signaling a distinctive trend compared to the national average.

Cable and Internet

Cable and internet costs emerge as another factor driving up household bills in Apopka. As residents seek comprehensive entertainment and connectivity options, they subscribe to cable and internet packages that align with their needs. The desire for a seamless online experience and various entertainment choices translates into higher monthly bills. Apopka's preferences in this realm diverge from the national average, emphasizing the role of technology and entertainment in shaping household expenses.

Not all expenses were above the national average. Apopka averages less than most US cities in health insurance costs, utilities, life insurance premiums, and alarm/security charges.

While the report paints a challenging financial landscape for Apopka residents, it also prompts a reflection on potential strategies to navigate these higher costs. Exploring refinancing options for mortgages and seeking out affordable housing alternatives could relieve those feeling the squeeze of housing expenses. For auto loans, considering more fuel-efficient vehicles or exploring car-sharing options might help mitigate transportation costs.

In the realm of communication services, residents can explore cost-effective phone plans and consider bundling options for cable and internet services. Embracing a more mindful approach to technology consumption without compromising connectivity can contribute to reducing monthly bills.

The revelation about higher household bills in Apopka emphasizes the unique blend of factors influencing the financial landscape. From housing dynamics to communication and entertainment choices, Apopka's residents face distinctive challenges that set them apart from the average U.S. city. As the community navigates these financial waters, exploring innovative solutions and mindful budgeting can pave the way for a more sustainable and balanced future.

About doxoINSIGHTS

doxoINSIGHTS provides direct insight into household financial health and spending activity by leveraging doxo’s unique aggregate bill pay data set, comprising actual bill payment activity to confirmed household service providers nationwide. doxo data combines the broadest available data set for analyzing actual household bill payment activity, pulling from over 8 million paying consumers across over 97% of U.S. zip codes. doxo’s payment network covers over 120,000 billers in 45 different service categories and enables payments using bank accounts, credit cards, or debit cards. This uniquely broad statistical foundation powers doxoINSIGHTS – uncovering key trends for household financial health and bill payment behavior.

For more information, visit https://www.doxo.com/insights/.

Apopka, Household Income, Household Expenses, DoxoInsights