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Pets are Great for Kids: Here's Why


Bringing a new pet into the home can be a lot of fun and something that millions of families all over the country do every year. But did you know that it offers tangible benefits to your kids? 

In this article, we take a look at some of the reasons why pets are so great for kids, and why it makes sense to bring them into the family home. 

Pets improve kids’ immune system

Children can experience allergies and other immune system issues throughout their adult lives, severely harming their long-term wellbeing. However, keeping a pet dog might be able to help with this. 

Why? It all has to do with how dogs transfer bacteria and other particles around the home. For instance, dogs are constantly shedding and exposing children to known allergens. When kids are young, their immune systems can learn not to respond to these and differentiate them from other harmful parties.

Furthermore, dogs can help seed kids’ bowels with friendly bacteria. Because they interact with everything via their mouths and regularly lick their human owners, they transfer good bacteria around, helping everyone stay healthy. 

Pets help kids learn

Educators have long used pets, particularly dogs, as a learning tool in the classroom, particularly for developmentally-challenged or young children. It’s been shown that animals can actually help younger children concentrate and focus more of their energies on the task at hand. What’s more, dogs may also impart confidence to kids who feel uncomfortable reading aloud at school. 

Pets teach kids responsibility

In the past, children would have learned the art of responsibility from a young age. Most kids were part of large families, with many years of age difference between younger and older siblings. More senior children would have taken care of the younger kids when the parents were busy. 

These days, large families are less common and that sometimes denies kids the opportunity to be responsible for their younger siblings. However, they can still look after pets. In many ways, dogs and other animals are less capable than they are and require love and support. Pets teach kids the value of empathy and make them a more active part of the family. 

Pets help kids have fun

Modern kids are often expected to work a lot, even after school and at weekends on their homework. What’s nice about pets, though, is that they provide kids with a welcome break from all the hard work. Pets are just fun and they remind hard-working children (and their parents) that there is more to life than just relentless work all day long.

Pets teach children about the realities of life

Parents often want to protect their children from knowledge about the cruelty of the world. The fact that we are born, live and then die is unpalatable for many. 

Unfortunately for kids, there’s no denying this reality. It’s coming for them too. 

Fortunately, pets can help in this regard. They tend to live shorter lives, which means that they introduce children to the idea that life is a circle, moving from one generation to the next. Nobody is left out. 

Pets help kids cope

Being a child is challenging. The world is sometimes a big and scary place, and there’s so much to learn. 

However, pets can help see kids through. They reduce loneliness and are always there for a hug when the child needs them. Dogs in particular are loving but totally non-judgemental. They don’t care if you fail your exams or have fallen out with your human friends; they are always there for you. 

Pets lower kids’ blood pressure

These days, we live stressful lives and eat a lot of foods we shouldn’t. Because of this, our collective blood pressures are higher than they should be. 

Even kids, though, are feeling the stress of modern life. There is so much pressure on them to perform that it can feel like it’s do-or-die every day. 

Studies show, however, that stroking animals' fur reduces blood pressure and symptoms of anxiety. Kids who have a furry friend waiting for them when they get home often feel much more relaxed about tackling exams and homework. 

Pets encourage a healthy lifestyle

Most modern parents know that today’s kids aren’t getting enough exercise. Sedentary lifestyles mean that kids aren’t getting the recommended levels of physical activity. 

But does it have to be this way?

The answer is no, but it is hard for parents to continually organize exercise for their children every night. 

The good news is that there is a solution: get a pet. Animals, particularly dogs, have an uncanny ability to get everyone out of the house. They demand it. 

Get your kids to regularly take the dog to the park. Just a small amount of walking is enough to improve their health and prepare them for the challenges that life will inevitably bring their way. 

Pets give families a focus

Families can sometimes fragment into different factions. Often, you have the parents on one side, and the children on the other. Even spouses may stop talking to each other after a while. 

Pets, though, help to bring everyone together. Simple activities, such as feeding or bathing them are things that you can do together. 

The search for pets is also something that families can enjoy as a group. Breeders, like this company, allow you to select from various breeds, each of which has specific traits. 

Pets give kids companionship

Kids can sometimes go through their formative years without ever really experiencing a genuine sense of companionship, particularly those living through the recent pandemic. Given all the lockdowns and restrictions, it’s hard for them to find others to share their lives with.

Dogs, though, aren’t affected by the rules and are always there for kids, no matter what is happening in their lives. Children can kindle relationships with puppies from a very early age and carry them forward throughout the entire life of the dog. 

Which pets should you choose for kids?

Now that we’ve discussed some of the benefits of pets for children, which should you choose? 

Top of the list has to be dogs. As animals, they are loving, empathetic, intelligent and can live harmoniously with people. Good breed choices for families with children include labradors, boxers, beagles and golden retrievers.

There are other options, however, if you're not quite ready for a dog. One would be to get a fish. These make great starter pets for kids because they don’t need a great deal of care and attention everyday. Fish are okay living by themselves for the most part. 

You could also try introducing your kids to reptiles, such as tortoises. These aren’t the same as warm, fuzzy mammals, but they can still show their love in strange ways. 

Birds are another option. They tend to have dramatically different personalities from mammals but are still very social. They’re also affordable for families that are on a budget. 

If you don’t mind creepy crawlies, you can also get insects. However, you will need to teach kids to treat them with care. 

Wrapping up

Adding pets to the family setup can bring a host of benefits for children. While companionship is an obvious perk, there are some not-so-obvious benefits too, including the fact that animals can help kids lead stronger, healthier lives. For some children, they may even be educational. 

When choosing a pet, consider which type might be best for your family. Certain dog breeds may be a better choice for children than others. The best tend to be labradors, golden retrievers and beagles, though there are others you may want to explore.

What are the benefits for kids to have pets? What are good pet options for kids? Pets, Benefits, Parenting, Children, Responsibility, Companionship, Health, Mental Health, What's a good dog breed for kids?


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