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Hello to you too, whackamole! Yeah, what are we supposed to do with the city council meeting cut off from viewing during public comment? Bring it back Mayor. You can still keep the public comments at the very end. I know we have heard some repetitive comments, and some ridiculous stuff, but that's the public. We came through town last night, and I was shocked to see the vehicle over in front of City Hall's frontage wrecked with the front end crashed and wrapped around one of the light poles. Plus the vehicle looked backed in. I can't imagine how that happened? I hope no one was hurt. The lights on City Hall looked beautiful lit up in red, white, and blue. Very nice. I also saw the artwork painted on the curbing on McGee St. at the water fountain behind the Burger King and hotel. I really like it. The pioneer leaders of Apopka, the animals, the Indian lady, the farm scene, Mead's Bottom, etc. Very nice! I love the artsy style, and the beautiful colors. The artist did a great job. My favorites were the beautiful panther, peacock, the bass fish, and the Mead's Bottom scene. I also like the new way finding directional signs going up!

From: Nesta: "The majority on the Council (Nelson with Anderson and Smith) continue to work to silence, intimidate, and censor the voice of residents"

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