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Someone is completely out of touch with the community. There are so many valid completes that they're piling on top of one another. With 6000 water meters not even working properly and Nelson doing nothing for six years to fix them, residents should not stand by and take that. With Nelson knowing and staying informed about the catastrophe at Golden Gem ponds and covering it up at every turn, people should be raising the roof. Two Hundred Million gallons of nasty green, slimy water breaking through into the aquifer, the very water people drink, and not even informing anyone until someone else reported it should be grounds for his removal for putting people's health at risk. Not following the instructions of the very expert that was hired to find the way to fix it, allowing landfill type rubbish, asphalt, metal and plastic pipes, cleanup materials from other jobs, nasty dirt, etc., thinking it wouldn't be caught, is one of many examples that Nelson will hide things from the citizens and even the commissioners. He's done so time and time again. If someone doesn't care about people's physical well being, their individual rights as citizens and constantly sides with outside developers, instead of organizing a plan that can help both sides of the issue, the city has a big problem. And that problem is Brian Nelson and anyone who might be helping him disregard the citizens. Placing public comment at the end, where the elderly and disabled to have to wait for hours to even speak can be a form of torture. Cutting the feed so that no one can watch it from YouTube, though they can broadcast the rest just fine, is a slap in the face to every citizen who wants or needs to watch from home because they can't make it to the meeting. I hope that the people of Apopka are finally seeing that if they don't stand up for them selves, they can be assured that the mayor isn't looking out for them. Attend the meetings, join together to end being censored. Make your wishes known and let it be known that the mayor needs to do his job as well as the the rest of the council. If not, band together and remove him. Nesta and Velazquez are the ones trying to work for the good of the people. If Nelson were doing his job correctly, people wouldn't need to keep coming back to have issues resolved that Nelson continues for years to ignore. In fact, Nelson has made it quite clear that he doesn't listen because he doesn't care. Because of his neglect of his duties, each year the budget falls far short of being balanced. This year it appears to have climbed to over $8 Million dollars. Hundreds of thousands on dollars can't even be accounted for. It's time for change and that change needs to Nelson leaving and any commissioner that sides with his neglect of duties and continued disregard to maintaining city infrastructure, the fire dept and many other departments that are left short of being able to keep up with the constant onslaught of overdevelopment that continues to bury the city deeper in dept and understaffed.

From: Nesta: "The majority on the Council (Nelson with Anderson and Smith) continue to work to silence, intimidate, and censor the voice of residents"

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