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I think the public at yesterday's council meeting were actually, for the most part, civil, when they spoke, considering the rate increases you all are imposing on us, and the craziness regarding how the stopped meters are billed. Then at the end of the meeting, when Nesta wanted the city to hire that Tampa attorney to get a declaratory judgement from the court, to see if each council member is qualified according to state statues, and city charter. Hmmm.....this is almost like deja vu. Birds of a feather, do flock together, apparently. Yes, I heard that Tampa attorney's name before. Nesta's plot and ruse, IMO, against Commissioner Nada Anderson, but he does not have an opinion, so he says, just trying to TCB from emails from citizens, and put the subject "to bed and move on". Yeah, right, ha, ha. Stay strong Nada, stand your ground! What a snake pit, the city council has become..... and your moratorium, Nesta, will infringe on peoples' property rights to sell their properties FYI.

From: Developing Story: City Council votes 3-2 to keep public comments off live feed

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