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Yesterday's Apopka City Council meeting was absolutely horrible, just when I thought it couldn't get much worse. I listened and watched the You Tube of it, and all that talk about the rate increases, and millage rate possible changes, and this and that, back and forth, between the council members and mainly Ms. Sherman, til I still don't what's what regarding the utility rates, the workshop dates, or even if they are going to have another workshop, or when the hearings are, because so much uncertainty about everything. That meeting was a mess! It was. It was circus and a half. No way should a meeting be ran like that. I think back to when Mayor John Land was in power, and how organized his meetings were. Boring, of course, maybe not the most transparent, but his meetings were not a circus, and people were civil, and if they weren't, they got gaveled or shown the door.

From: Developing Story: City Council votes 3-2 to keep public comments off live feed

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