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Hold on there .....a proposal that one of our commissioners suggested to put back $100,000 dollars to give to non- profits to keep juveniles out of trouble, and some sort of senior citizens program??? Okay, why can't they do just like they have been doing and giving money to the non-profits from their discretionary funds? If they take and give to non-profits out of the $100,000 to be earmarked, what is the commissioners' discretionary funds for? As a tax-payer citizen, I don't like this! You all are upping our millage rates, and increasing our utility rates, but can find money to give away to non-profits? What's next, trying to be like Orange County, and paying peoples' hospital bills that they can't pay, and forcing the rest of us to pay THEIR hospital bills??? Nip it in the bud now, before this gets out of hand!

From: City Council schedules budget workshop before September hearings

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