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Apopka City Budget 2024-25

City Council schedules budget workshop before September hearings


Will the Apopka City Council keep the new millage rate in place? What will the final budget look like? What expenditures, made after the budget workshops, will survive after the budget workshops and be included in the final budget?

The answers, in part, will be answered at a special workshop.

The Apopka City Council will meet on Wednesday to discuss the final details of the 2024/25 fiscal year budget and millage rate before the final budget hearings scheduled for September 4th and 18th. This is an opportunity to iron out some last-minute yet important details, like the recently resolved contract negotiations with the Apopka Professional Firefighters Association, before signing off on the final budget and millage rate.

According to the packet for the meeting on the City of Apopka website, the staff summary states:


FY2025 Budget Workshop Meeting - Pending Items


Review and consideration of the pending items requiring consensus and resolution to finalize the FY2025 Tentative Budget and Millage Rate

"Over the past two months, several budget workshops have been held to discuss and finalize the FY2025 Tentative Budget and Millage Rate. On July 17, 2024, the Millage Rate was set at 4.8399 to allow the Council to consider adding additional items if needed. At the August 28, 2024, Budget Workshop Meeting, we will discuss the pending items below to determine the Tentative Budget and Millage Rate."

The Apopka City Council voted 5-0 to increase the millage rate to 4.8399 for its FY2024/25 budget. 

Apopka City Administrator Jacob Smith and Finance Director Blanche Sherman proposed a millage increase of 4.4376 at the July 10th millage rate meeting, while Commissioner Alexander Smith suggested raising the millage rate to 4.6876.

At the July 17th meeting, the Council gained consensus for the increased millage.

According to Sherman, $8.1 million was transferred from its reserves, which stand at approximately $23-24 million after the transfer, to balance the budget. General reserve spending has increased by 14.4% since the last budget.

The approved millage rate of 4.8399 ends a streak of three straight years at 4.1876.

The meeting is scheduled for 5:15 pm at the Apopka City Hall Council chambers.

Apopka City Council, Apopka City Budget, Apopka, Millage Rate, What will Apopka's millage rate be?


8 comments on this item Please log in to comment by clicking here

  • MamaMia

    There have been those hell-bent on raising our millage rate in the City of Apopka. Those who do not even live in this city...those who live in other cities in Florida, those who live in the county, but in rural Apopka, not in the city limits, and those who live out of state. The loudspeakers who want OUR taxes increased, on us, the city residents, who have to pay for all these increases! Add to the list, our city attorney, Mr. Shepard, who proposed, the highest rate, 4.8399, but only because our city council members sat there like bumps on a log, and would not make a decision, or motion. Mr. Shepard said they could set it at that, and could always come down, but will they? They couldn't make a single decision, between all five of them, to do something, so I doubt they will make a decision to lower Shepard's suggested rate. The blind leading the blind! Our former commissioner, and former vice mayor was another advocate for raising our millage rates....remember? So he is gone, but goggle Winter Springs, Florida proposed millage rate increase that was done July of 2024. They proposed a millage increase from 2.41 to 2.62 increase. Our former city commissioner/ former Vice Mayor moved to Winter Springs, and he could move where ever he wanted, and he has nothing to do with their millage rates hike, but I find it interesting he moved to a very low millage rate city, because when he was here, he kept wanting our millage rate raised, along with some of these other folks who claimed Apopka could never have nothing, if we didn't have a higher millage rate. Our old rate was 4.1876, and Winter Springs old rate was 2.41. Our new proposed rate is 4.8399 and Winter Springs new rate is 2.6ke proposal Also in Winter Springs, two of their commissioners voted no, on their tax hike proposal. People, go figure.........

    Wednesday, August 28 Report this

  • MamaMia

    You all want to hike our taxes, and utility fees. 40 percent hike on potable water, 40 percent on sewer, 15 percent on re-use water, and one said, 10 percent on garbage, although, I have not seen, or heard that. I don't object to 10 percent increase on the garbage, if that is true, but 40 percent increase to water, and sewer is outrageous! These are things we have to have, not luxury items! We have people in the city that cannot afford this type of rate increase. You all said that you represent us, but do you? You all are carrying on about public comments moved to the end of the council meetings, but don't represent us, the citizens, one bit, when it comes to these outrageous utility fees! Instead, you all sat there making a circus at City Hall fighting, insulting, like this last council meeting about the forensic audit. Some of you can find 1.3 million for a forensic audit out of the reserves? And another flip- floppy one who wouldn't, then would, go for a 1.3 million dollar audit? If you all have that kind of money to pay for a forensic audit, then you don't need to increase our utility rates!

    Wednesday, August 28 Report this

  • MamaMia

    Reading the Apopka Voice, I see a person who calls for a forensic audit, and a salary increase for our Apopka City Commissioners....for them to get 75,OOO dollars $$$$$$$$ per year salary. Are you serious? No way, babe! No, no, no, and double no!

    Wednesday, August 28 Report this

  • MDuran


    You are correct. You have a very legitimate argument. I hope to see you in city hall to voice your concerns. Unfortunately, with public comments pushed to the very end, you will only be speaking to the 5 council members and more than half of them don’t and won’t listen to what you have to say. You are also 100% correct that most of your city management doesn’t care about the city’s residents. Your entire city has received substantial pay increases. You are still paying a salary for a fire chief that doesn’t even have to come to work. Your city management suggests hiring a person to “teach” the council HOW to conduct a meeting. You paid for a “speech coach” (about $50k) to teach your managers HOW to ….. speak ? Are they not professional? If so, why would they need a coach? If not, why were they elected? You have every right to be mad and I hope you are able to address your concerns in city hall. More residents, like yourself should flood city hall meetings and make your voice be heard.

    Wednesday, August 28 Report this

  • Kyle Becker

    Tenita, another set of comments and another misstatement of fact. Your distaste of me is quite comical by the way. However, for others you may misinform with your comments to yourself, the Apopka millage rate reflects a property tax that pays for all general fund services, in the case of Apopka that includes police and fire. So the proposed rate of 4.8399 would INCLUDE fire services. However, the Winter Springs rate you state going from 2.41 to 2.62, that EXCLUDES fire services to which Winter Springs has an additional 2.7649 fire specific millage to pay for outsourced Seminole County fire services. So, if you are still following, and can follow the math with me, apples to apples Winter Springs will have an all-in millage rate of 5.3849 compared to the 4.8399 proposed rate in Apopka. The hair dye may be getting to you.

    Wednesday, August 28 Report this

  • MamaMia

    I have been listening to the budget workshop that was held today. Regarding the Tiger Bay membership.... I recently saw on News Break where the Tiger Bay Club had a luncheon in Orlando for candidates for Orange County Commissioners up for election, or re- election. I had seen documents on social media where the club disbanded, and it threw me off. However, now I know by listening to Commissioner Velazquez, as she said the club had started back up. That explains it. I really like the sign and flagpole put there at Bayridge Cemetery, that the girl scout did as a project. Thank you honey, you did a wonderful job. The photo looks so nice. I will have to go out there to see it for myself. When the city cleaned up the cemetery, they just left the old sign laying face down in the dirt, and didn't even put it back up. I hear they have come down on the proposed utility rates, and that's a positive thing. My video keeps pausing, so I'm not sure what the rates will be. Guess I will find out soon.

    Wednesday, August 28 Report this

  • MamaMia

    Hold on there .....a proposal that one of our commissioners suggested to put back $100,000 dollars to give to non- profits to keep juveniles out of trouble, and some sort of senior citizens program??? Okay, why can't they do just like they have been doing and giving money to the non-profits from their discretionary funds? If they take and give to non-profits out of the $100,000 to be earmarked, what is the commissioners' discretionary funds for? As a tax-payer citizen, I don't like this! You all are upping our millage rates, and increasing our utility rates, but can find money to give away to non-profits? What's next, trying to be like Orange County, and paying peoples' hospital bills that they can't pay, and forcing the rest of us to pay THEIR hospital bills??? Nip it in the bud now, before this gets out of hand!

    Wednesday, August 28 Report this

  • MamaMia

    I saw the postings and photos on Apopka Critic of the new Bayridge Cemetery sign and flagpole, and plaque of the girl scout, lwho did this to honor the people buried at Bayridge Cemetery, also giving credit to the Apopka Elks. Thank you both, once again. I told my husband about the new sign, and flagpole. We drove out there, and pulled in, and saw the new cemetery sign, but did not see the flagpole, or plague giving credit to the girl scout, or the Apopka Elks Club. We did not get out and walk around, but we did not see the flagpole or girl scout plague, and Apopka Elks sponsorship.. I will have my husband drive back out there, and we will walk back in there. My husband has his grandma and grandpa buried there,, aunt and uncles, and cousins, and their their children buried there. It is emotional, as I knew them too, and interacted with them. I really didn't want the city cleaning it up, because I knew it was dangerous for boy scouts to be in that grown up area, trying to clean up the site. I know several people were attacked by wasps, yellow jackets, or whatever, cleaning up the overgrowth of vines etc. My husband's aunt gave us a big packet of her research of family ancestors to each member of my husband's family, and I have it here. Packed away, but treasured, for sure. Again, thank you Apopka Elks, and the girl scout for her project. You are a special person honey...

    Thursday, August 29 Report this