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Tenita, another set of comments and another misstatement of fact. Your distaste of me is quite comical by the way. However, for others you may misinform with your comments to yourself, the Apopka millage rate reflects a property tax that pays for all general fund services, in the case of Apopka that includes police and fire. So the proposed rate of 4.8399 would INCLUDE fire services. However, the Winter Springs rate you state going from 2.41 to 2.62, that EXCLUDES fire services to which Winter Springs has an additional 2.7649 fire specific millage to pay for outsourced Seminole County fire services. So, if you are still following, and can follow the math with me, apples to apples Winter Springs will have an all-in millage rate of 5.3849 compared to the 4.8399 proposed rate in Apopka. The hair dye may be getting to you.

From: City Council schedules budget workshop before September hearings

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