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You are correct. You have a very legitimate argument. I hope to see you in city hall to voice your concerns. Unfortunately, with public comments pushed to the very end, you will only be speaking to the 5 council members and more than half of them don’t and won’t listen to what you have to say. You are also 100% correct that most of your city management doesn’t care about the city’s residents. Your entire city has received substantial pay increases. You are still paying a salary for a fire chief that doesn’t even have to come to work. Your city management suggests hiring a person to “teach” the council HOW to conduct a meeting. You paid for a “speech coach” (about $50k) to teach your managers HOW to ….. speak ? Are they not professional? If so, why would they need a coach? If not, why were they elected? You have every right to be mad and I hope you are able to address your concerns in city hall. More residents, like yourself should flood city hall meetings and make your voice be heard.

From: City Council schedules budget workshop before September hearings

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