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You all want to hike our taxes, and utility fees. 40 percent hike on potable water, 40 percent on sewer, 15 percent on re-use water, and one said, 10 percent on garbage, although, I have not seen, or heard that. I don't object to 10 percent increase on the garbage, if that is true, but 40 percent increase to water, and sewer is outrageous! These are things we have to have, not luxury items! We have people in the city that cannot afford this type of rate increase. You all said that you represent us, but do you? You all are carrying on about public comments moved to the end of the council meetings, but don't represent us, the citizens, one bit, when it comes to these outrageous utility fees! Instead, you all sat there making a circus at City Hall fighting, insulting, like this last council meeting about the forensic audit. Some of you can find 1.3 million for a forensic audit out of the reserves? And another flip- floppy one who wouldn't, then would, go for a 1.3 million dollar audit? If you all have that kind of money to pay for a forensic audit, then you don't need to increase our utility rates!

From: City Council schedules budget workshop before September hearings

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