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Our country is in a national crisis because of too many good people are watching bad things happening and remaining silent. It’s time for “We The People “ to stand united and say No More!!

I encourage everyone to go on YouTube and watch the City Council meetings. This will give you your own opinion about what is going on in the city of Apopka.

The city council meeting is held the first and third Wednesday of each month. The first Wednesday at 1:30pm and the third Wednesday at 7:00pm.

What does it say about us as residents of the City of Apopka when you have 35,000 plus registered voters and less than 8,000 residents voted during the last mayoral election.

Mr. Duran, my continued support and prayers for you and your family. NO parents should have to experience the total disrespect from the City of Apopka Mayor, Bryan Nelson and some of the residents that your family has received after the death of your son.

Apopka residents: Please go back two and a half years and start watching the city council meetings on YouTube.

May God have Grace and Mercy on all of us.

From: Apopka Professional Firefighters President pushes back on City Council changes to public comments

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