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Apopka City Council

Apopka Professional Firefighters President pushes back on City Council changes to public comments

"Our firefighters, who have bled, suffered, and died for this City, have had their only public recourse stripped from them with your approving vote"


Editor's Note: Alex Klepper is the President of the Apopka Professional Firefighters Association President (APFA) and an Apopka Fire Department Captain. He frequently speaks at Apopka City Council meetings on behalf of the APFA and sent this open letter to the Apopka City Commissioners expressing his frustration with the changes made to public comments at the August 7th meeting. He shared it with The Apopka Voice and gave permission for its publication.


On behalf of the Apopka Firefighters we are contacting you to relate our absolute disillusionment with you, our City Council, and the disappointment we were forced to live through at the council meeting tonight (08/07/24). What transpired tonight when public comment was pushed to the end of a public meeting and then subsequently and DECEPTIVELY cut off from the public YouTube feed was unconscionable and fundamentally un-American. Our firefighters who have bled, suffered, and died for this City have had their only public recourse stripped from them with your approving vote. Is this why you ran for office? Is this why we endorsed some of you for office? To put corporations and developers and Mayor Nelson’s petty grievances over the people?

The presentation Mayor Nelson made Dr. Patton present was a complete farce and by YOUR actions, WE were denied an opportunity to refute these lies. Why were Apopka Firefighters compared to Apopka Police Officers on different terms? The numbers showed tonight showed Apopka Police salary cost VS Apopka Firefighters' Salary/Benefit cost and likely the cost of our gear needed to work. Do you not see why those numbers would be higher?! What is the point of showing merit raise increases without showing the salary that they’re based on? In 2019 Apopka Firefighters and Apopka police officers both started at $46,6k. In 2024 Apopka Police officers are starting at $59,749 while Apopka Firefighters are STILL at $46,600! These wages do not include the pension HIGHER benefits that Apopka Police Officers receive for contributions LESS THAN Apopka Firefighters put in…but those benefits are what seem to be holding up our firefighters' contract. Shame. Removing public comment and accountability emboldens unethical politics and liars. Why did you choose to strip us of our ability to contest these issues publicly? We need an answer.

The people vote for and depend on elected officials to give them a voice, not strip one from them. If what transpired this evening came as a surprise to you, please let us know, along with how you specifically propose to rectify this preposterous situation and this despicable erosion of the public trust.

Additionally I do want to note the particular significance that the public comment period holds with our firefighters and fire department. If we had been denied the opportunity to have our voices heard after Austin’s death, our department and its members would be in shambles. It would have allowed our Fire Chief to remain idle and brush everything under the rug. We would likely not have restarted the safety committee, we couldn’t have convinced the city to create our current safety, training, and inspection divisions, and we would still be understaffed on fire apparatus, and that’s not an exhaustive list!

The medium of a broadcasted public comment period is critical for the ability of citizens and employees to address the council and have that in a shareable format for those with busy lives who can’t commit to sitting through 4-5 hours of developers haggling over turn lane capacity. Our elected officials should do everything in their power to promote free speech and differing opinions, not silence them.

Respectfully on behalf of,
Apopka Firefighters
Apopka Citizens
United States Armed Forces Veterans

Apopka, Apopka Fire Department, Apopka City Council, Apopka Mayor Bryan Nelson, Apopka Professional Firefighters Association, Why did public comments get moved to the end of the Apopka City Council meeting?


6 comments on this item Please log in to comment by clicking here

  • JimNisbet


    OK, some inconvenient facts.

    1. No one has had their freedom of speech taken from them. Anyone can still address the City Council during the public comments portion.

    2. People can still email or write letters to each member of the council, and hey, if it might even get published if you know the right people and it fits their agenda.

    3. The unfortunate truth is the majority of public comments are people not just complaining, but grandstanding. Now they have turned the tables. Instead of the Council having to wait for people to stop grandstanding so they can conduct business, now THEY have to be patient and wait their turn, and then they get to drag the meeting on and on at their own peril.

    4. Livestreaming, or not live streaming, the public comments does not infringe on ANYONE'S rights.

    5. I have all the respect in the world for our firefighters. I loath their union for a host of reasons, but mostly because they blame everyone for everything and take no accountability of themselves. Having said that, they just keep on about how poorly they are paid. What if I said Apopka appears to have the 8th highest starting pay rate in the state? Have a look.


    Finally, I think the Council should limit public comments to City residents only. Where the City is conducting business with outside vendors and such, that can be part of the agenda. But public comments should be Apopka residents only.

    Friday, August 9 Report this

  • MDuran

    Jim- you’re funny. Not in a ha-ha way of funny. You clearly do not understand the operation of a fire department nor any of its members and what it actually takes to BE and REMAIN a firefighter. Secondly, the city is free to go outside its city limits to entertain developments, yet you suggest to limit public speaking to city residents? You sound much like the mayor. I am not a resident of the city, but I am a stakeholder and have deep roots in the city. Just to clarify a point, had I personally not attended city council in a public forum, the major changes made to ADF would not have taken place. The firefighters that serve the city residents are much better equipped to provide city residents the best care possible because I fought for that, and will forever continue to do so. I do not grandstand. But I do engage with the city to make sure leadership is being held accountable. The Sunshine law states that public comment minutes be recorded. There definitely isn’t video, I’d like to see if there is audio. Furthermore, pushing public comment to the end… sure. Your mayor can do that. But by doing that he has sent a clear message to ALL residents that development comes before its residents. I suppose you’re okay with that. You know… because you hate the fire union and you haven’t lost like we have.

    Friday, August 9 Report this

  • JimNisbet

    Mr. Duran, You know absolutely nothing about me. What I've done, what I've lost, or what I've experienced. Don't belittle what you know nothing about. Please be respectful towards me as I have been towards you.

    Having said that, I've been around police and firefighters all my life and have been close friends with many of the same. Do I know their job, or could I do their job? No and probably not. What does that have to do with a union that takes -0- responsibility for anything?

    I don't think the changes to public comments are due to corporate interests. I think it's more to reduce the grandstanding. We shall see.

    And I stand by my suggestions that Apopka resident only for public comments. I have no business addressing Clermont, Ocoee, Winter Garden... I could see limited exceptions approved by the council for exceptional circumstances. But the general rule should be residents only. Hell I have the editor of this paper, who doesn't live in Apopka, succeeding in politicking to get MY TAXES raised this year! That's nonsense.

    Friday, August 9 Report this

  • MDuran

    I suppose we will agree to disagree, respectfully. The fire union has bent over backwards to “take care of their people” I support AFD and their union 100%. There may be some that “grandstand” in city hall. The mayor can address that individually, and not paint with such an encompassing brush. A presentation was made by the HR director. It was completely narrow scoped. Our union president couldn’t address that due to public comment being pushed to the end. My opinion differs from yours. The residents are at the top of the food chain. Thru an online poll, over 100 people wanted public comment at the beginning. The number that wanted it at the end ? Zero. Government works FOR the residents. This government seems to work against. Put public comment back in the front, and enforce decorum. Simple. Everyone wins.

    Friday, August 9 Report this

  • MamaMia

    Our city attorney, Cliff Sheppard, actually suggested for the city to hiire a "coach" to work with the city council members to conduct more effective council meetings, because things continue to get worse. While that seems strange, I think you all need that interaction. I know Dr. Phil isn't probably available, but something has to giv e, because you all are not working for the good of Apopka, with all this carrying on. Mr Sheppard was serious, and he travels to a multitude of city council meetings for various cities. You all must do better. Your inhouse fighting is embarrassing from the dais. Even when my husband worked for the city, he was sent to classes on "how to handle difficult people" because working with the public is hard. Basically, the course taught to let people vent, and don't argue back with them, because it escalates situations. I hope you all will hire a council "coach".

    Saturday, August 10 Report this

  • VoiceOfTheCommonMan

    Our country is in a national crisis because of too many good people are watching bad things happening and remaining silent. It’s time for “We The People “ to stand united and say No More!!

    I encourage everyone to go on YouTube and watch the City Council meetings. This will give you your own opinion about what is going on in the city of Apopka.

    The city council meeting is held the first and third Wednesday of each month. The first Wednesday at 1:30pm and the third Wednesday at 7:00pm.

    What does it say about us as residents of the City of Apopka when you have 35,000 plus registered voters and less than 8,000 residents voted during the last mayoral election.

    Mr. Duran, my continued support and prayers for you and your family. NO parents should have to experience the total disrespect from the City of Apopka Mayor, Bryan Nelson and some of the residents that your family has received after the death of your son.

    Apopka residents: Please go back two and a half years and start watching the city council meetings on YouTube.

    May God have Grace and Mercy on all of us.

    Sunday, August 11 Report this