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I suppose we will agree to disagree, respectfully. The fire union has bent over backwards to “take care of their people” I support AFD and their union 100%. There may be some that “grandstand” in city hall. The mayor can address that individually, and not paint with such an encompassing brush. A presentation was made by the HR director. It was completely narrow scoped. Our union president couldn’t address that due to public comment being pushed to the end. My opinion differs from yours. The residents are at the top of the food chain. Thru an online poll, over 100 people wanted public comment at the beginning. The number that wanted it at the end ? Zero. Government works FOR the residents. This government seems to work against. Put public comment back in the front, and enforce decorum. Simple. Everyone wins.

From: Apopka Professional Firefighters President pushes back on City Council changes to public comments

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