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Mr. Duran, You know absolutely nothing about me. What I've done, what I've lost, or what I've experienced. Don't belittle what you know nothing about. Please be respectful towards me as I have been towards you.

Having said that, I've been around police and firefighters all my life and have been close friends with many of the same. Do I know their job, or could I do their job? No and probably not. What does that have to do with a union that takes -0- responsibility for anything?

I don't think the changes to public comments are due to corporate interests. I think it's more to reduce the grandstanding. We shall see.

And I stand by my suggestions that Apopka resident only for public comments. I have no business addressing Clermont, Ocoee, Winter Garden... I could see limited exceptions approved by the council for exceptional circumstances. But the general rule should be residents only. Hell I have the editor of this paper, who doesn't live in Apopka, succeeding in politicking to get MY TAXES raised this year! That's nonsense.

From: Apopka Professional Firefighters President pushes back on City Council changes to public comments

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