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Jim- you’re funny. Not in a ha-ha way of funny. You clearly do not understand the operation of a fire department nor any of its members and what it actually takes to BE and REMAIN a firefighter. Secondly, the city is free to go outside its city limits to entertain developments, yet you suggest to limit public speaking to city residents? You sound much like the mayor. I am not a resident of the city, but I am a stakeholder and have deep roots in the city. Just to clarify a point, had I personally not attended city council in a public forum, the major changes made to ADF would not have taken place. The firefighters that serve the city residents are much better equipped to provide city residents the best care possible because I fought for that, and will forever continue to do so. I do not grandstand. But I do engage with the city to make sure leadership is being held accountable. The Sunshine law states that public comment minutes be recorded. There definitely isn’t video, I’d like to see if there is audio. Furthermore, pushing public comment to the end… sure. Your mayor can do that. But by doing that he has sent a clear message to ALL residents that development comes before its residents. I suppose you’re okay with that. You know… because you hate the fire union and you haven’t lost like we have.

From: Apopka Professional Firefighters President pushes back on City Council changes to public comments

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