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OK, some inconvenient facts.

1. No one has had their freedom of speech taken from them. Anyone can still address the City Council during the public comments portion.

2. People can still email or write letters to each member of the council, and hey, if it might even get published if you know the right people and it fits their agenda.

3. The unfortunate truth is the majority of public comments are people not just complaining, but grandstanding. Now they have turned the tables. Instead of the Council having to wait for people to stop grandstanding so they can conduct business, now THEY have to be patient and wait their turn, and then they get to drag the meeting on and on at their own peril.

4. Livestreaming, or not live streaming, the public comments does not infringe on ANYONE'S rights.

5. I have all the respect in the world for our firefighters. I loath their union for a host of reasons, but mostly because they blame everyone for everything and take no accountability of themselves. Having said that, they just keep on about how poorly they are paid. What if I said Apopka appears to have the 8th highest starting pay rate in the state? Have a look.


Finally, I think the Council should limit public comments to City residents only. Where the City is conducting business with outside vendors and such, that can be part of the agenda. But public comments should be Apopka residents only.

From: Apopka Professional Firefighters President pushes back on City Council changes to public comments

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