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Just steps away from the FDEP public workshop in the St. Johns River Water Management District Apopka Service Center, protesters and invited speakers railed against the DeSantis Administration's failure to prevent harm to the state’s iconic springs. more
Rapid, unplanned development leaves Polk County short of utility capacity, and it contemplates big increases in impact fees and an expensive water experiment. Does anything sound familiar here to you, Apopka? more
Commissioner Nick Nesta motioned to continue live streaming the Public Comments section of the City of Apopka Council Meeting Agenda, as historically and properly done. more
Pittman: "Wetlands are crucial to filtering out pollution from stormwater runoff, not to mention soaking up floods and providing habitat for important species. Asphalt is surprisingly ineffective at any of those tasks." more
Apopka beat out the 4R Foundation, Orlando Science Center, Rollins Museum of Art, Orlando Philharmonic Plaza Foundation, Orlando Family, Winter Garden Art Association, The Winter Park Playhouse, the Mennello Museum of American Art, and the Orlando Museum of Art in the preliminary round. more
There is no better way to celebrate this Labor Day weekend than becoming a part of the fight for a stronger, fairer Florida. more
Moore: "Without openness, a city will also lack the ability to attract diverse talent. New talent and ideas are needed to replenish energy and capacity." more
Moore: "Apopka can become much more than a bedroom community for Orlando. We are all part of a large mega-economy of Central Florida. The possibilities for economic success and preserving our environmental treasures are endless." more
Cities provide critical life-sustaining services to residents, such as clean drinking water, sanitation, public safety, etc. Such critical services need a stable source of funds to ensure they are never disrupted. more
Nesta: "The City of Apopka and the residents' will are again under attack. Serious matters are being completely disregarded, and there are continued ethics violations from this administration." more
Klepper: "What transpired tonight when public comment was pushed to the end of a public meeting and then subsequently and DECEPTIVELY cut off from the public YouTube feed was unconscionable and fundamentally un-American." more
Consider this column as a tutorial on where you can find services or how to assist others in finding aid. Let’s start with adult mental health services. more
Olsen: "We are all accountable for our actions and failures. We can all do better. Now is the time to take action." more
Duran: "It was once said, “Facts are a funny thing.” In my two years of involvement with the city of Apopka and the Apopka Fire Department, I’ve found very little “funny.” In fact, I have found much of what goes on in city hall disgusting and disturbing, to say the least." more
The Council needs to get to the bottom of Mayor Nelson's accusation. I know it may seem like we are already at rock bottom in many ways, but a member of the Council simply cannot make statements like that from the dais without proving their words. more
Florida submitted a plan for spending the money, which the federal government approved. But now, Florida is one of 15 states that will not allow companies to apply for the money. more
Because the July 3rd meeting was canceled, the agenda is packed. Oh, and if you missed the July 4th fireworks, there are a couple of unresolved matters from the June 19th meeting that may make up for it in comparable explosiveness. more
Jacob Smith, the new Apopka City Administrator, didn't say much in his first budget workshop cycle, but what he did say cut to the core of the challenges facing the City Council. more
Good luck to the People of Lockhart, Southern Apopka, Wekiwa Springs, and Clarcona-Ocoee in the upcoming Corridor of the Year competition. more
Apopka is treading water. Its millage rate seems as permanent as the John Land statue in front of City Hall. It only looks to the future for inevitable things like a public safety center or wastewater treatment facilities, and its system almost guarantees this outcome. more
As Florida law, HB 87 poses devastating consequences for our state. Built upon the bald-faced lie that Florida faces an epidemic of ‘crack bears’ that are ingesting illegal substances and destroying people’s homes. more
After a contentious 62-minute discussion, the Apopka City Council did not have the appetite to even make a motion to rescind the 2023 censure of Mayor Bryan Nelson. more
"I’ve learned a few things about cleaning up an entire community. I recently wrote a draft manual of the program and will have it available by fall for members of my Neighborhood Leader Program." more
It shouldn’t have gotten this far. Yet it passed both the House and the Senate and, according to the House website, was “presented to governor on Friday, June 7, 2024, 2:57 PM.” more
If we need more staff and the equipment, supplies, and materials to get the job done timely and appropriately, we look to you to ensure that we budget and staff for this. more
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