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Orange County

The keys to cleaning up an entire community


I’ve learned a few things about cleaning up an entire community.

I recently wrote a draft manual of the program and will have it available by fall for members of my Neighborhood Leader Program. Nevertheless, the manual's principles are sound and utilize a collaboration or team approach. If your corridor looks bad, I suggest you attend the August Quarterly Neighborhood Leaders’ Meeting on August 15th at Wekiva High School. However, I will also share more about the program in the column.

Orange County Commissioner District 2 Christine Moore
Orange County Commissioner District 2 Christine Moore

When I say an area “looks bad,” it is important to qualify what that means. Dissecting or even noticing the issues is the first step toward improvement. Typical problems include trash thrown in the rights-of-way way, grass not cut regularly, broken or missing segments of sidewalks, sidewalks black and slippery, cars parked horizontally on sidewalks and front yards, garbage cans not stowed on the side of a home, law enforcement standards for crime prevention not being followed (trees trimmed up a minimum of six feet and hedges down lower than three feet and sufficient lighting on the property), and large item pick-ups for trash regularly left in the rights-of-way.

People of Clarcona Ocoee
People of Clarcona Ocoee

First, I look at what the county or a city could do to jump-start solutions. That begins with fixing sidewalks and completing sidewalk gaps. I recently had Orange County Public Works begin fixing the broken sidewalks and completing gaps along Sheeler Avenue. Much of this work will be completed before December 2024. I also use the 311 system to tun in large item pick-ups left week after week along roadways. It has inspired others in the community to do even more.

Property owners must be part of the solution. We can all pick up trash in our right-of-way. We can all cut large tree limbs, cut down hedges, and have personal lighting installed on the property. It has been reported to me many times about high crime rates and incidents of homelessness. A team approach between the county and residents can assist in remedying the problems.

People of Lockhart.
People of Lockhart.

Here are the current corridors being worked on by “people groups.” If you see your corridor here, please consider joining the team. If you don’t see your corridor here, call my office at 407.836.5850, and we will help you start a new team.

People of Southern Apopka – Apopka Blvd. and Sheeler Ave. and Rd.

People of Wekiwa Springs – Wekiwa Springs, Votaw, Thompson, and Welch roads

People of Lockhart – Rose Ave., Eden Park Rd., Magnolia Homes and West Beggs roads

People of Clarcona Ocoee – Clarcona Ocoee Rd. and Powers Dr.

People of Southern Apopka.
People of Southern Apopka.

I am in the process of organizing these corridors into more stable teams. Every team needs an overall leader, membership developer, clean-up coordinator, and trash pick-up strategy. We meet before “people group” meetings or “clean-ups.”

Statistically there are only about 50 percent of citizens who engage and help improve their communities Seventy percent of residents are simply consumers. However, according to author of “Loving Your City”, Peter Kageyama, there is hope to increase the number of engaged citizens.

Kageyama recommends creating small, “artsy” projects to create interest and develop the individuality of the area. I’m interested in partnering with citizens on projects. In fact, I am offering an Artistic Corridor of the Year Contest with $500 for a winner in each of the “people group” areas. However, funding must be raised for the projects by the citizens. Low-cost ideas for building greater engagement from residents include murals, tree art gardens, beautification of entranceways, fence staining and fence art, cyclist respite stations, tree planting, and more. Grants are available from the county and AARP.

Do you care enough about your area of District 2 to start a project, join a corridor care team, or get involved in my Neighborhood Leaders Program? Do you have cool ideas to share on keeping District 2 safe from crime, preserving property values, and improving the community’s overall quality of life? Please call or email me at District2@ocfl.net or 407.836.5850. Your engagement is needed to improve the entire district!

Opinion, Orange County, Orange County Commissioner Christine Moore, District 2, Corridors, People of Wekiwa Springs, People of Lockhart, People of Clarcona Ocoee, People of Southern Apopka, How can I join a corridor care team?


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