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Why New Year’s Resolution of Losing Weight Fails & How to Succeed


Have you made a New Year’s resolution to lose weight in 2016? You are in good company as losing weight is one of the top resolutions made each year. However, by the end of January 36% of you will give up- giving in to those old habits or temptations.

We found these tips at Women’s Health on how to avoid these common mistakes so you can keep your resolution this year of losing weight.

1 . Making a Vague, Results-Based Resolution

Realizing what it actually takes to lose weight makes your goal more of a reality. Its a matter of the details that will keep you in it for the long run.

2. Keeping Resolutions in Your Head

Writing down your goals make them seem more real. Also sharing your resolution with a friend will also help keep you on track.

3. Thinking It Takes 21 Days to Form a Habit

While you have heard it said, a habit is formed in 21 days. Dr. Norcross,psychology professor at the University of Scranton says it actually takes three months stating, “So don’t freak out and give up when you’re a month into your resolution and it still feels like work. Be patient, and living healthy will become second nature.”

4. Lacking Confidence

Confidence (a.k.a. self-efficacy) is a strong predictor of resolution-keeping success, says Norcross. To boost your can-do attitude, focus on playing to your strengths, and again, don’t get hung up on your weak spots or missteps.

5. Not Tracking Your Progress

Putting it all down on paper can be scary. But monitoring your progress, whether it’s by measuring your waistline, stepping on the scale, tracking your workouts, or journaling what you eat—can up your chances of following through with the changes you need to make every day.

6. Getting Discouraged by Slip-Ups

Successful resolvers use slip-ups to strengthen their determination, says Norcross. Just recognize your mistake (no beating yourself up) and move on.

7. Going on Crash Diets

Extreme dieting is grueling and will eventually make you want to throw in the towel. Plus, it can actually prevent weight loss. “When our bodies don’t get enough calories, they can go into ‘starvation mode,’” says Tori Holthaus, M.S., R.D., founder of YES! Nutrition, LLC. “Our basal metabolic rate is lowered to compensate for our inadequate energy intake, making it harder to lose weight.

8. Not Addressing Why You Have Gained Weight In the First Place

Have a heart-to-heart with yourself—or even a professional—about the root of your weight gain, whether it’s stress, a super-tight schedule, or having an unhealthy relationship with food. You need to ease these burdens in order to make a sustainable change.

9. Being Unrealistic

By choosing realistic goals that fit into your real life that you also feel are attainable will help you to meet those goals. If you don’t have time to cook every meal and the thought of green food everyday makes your stomach turn, you probably won’t follow through.

health, new year, resolution


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