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Faith and Inspiration

Whatever you do, grow old with grace


It sure is strange, almost unbelievably so, to be the same age as old people. 

There I was, one day, a young guy doing all the things young guys do, and then, like a fart in a windstorm, it seemed to have vanished.  Oh, it’s not that the will is gone, no; no, the will is still there, but here I am, crowding ninety years with a vengeance, and my body blusters and tells me I can still run marathons, and my mind, knowing the truth of the matter laughs hysterically as it mocks my efforts and tells me that naps and diapers aren’t allowed in marathons!

Really though, it’s not that I am getting old, oh no, it’s just that I am not as young as I was fifty years ago.

You could say that I am not in bad shape for the shape I’m in, but then, who’s fooling who? When you reach my age usually, you are considered vintage, antique, or collectible.

Oh well, tomorrow is another day, and maybe somebody is going to come up with a napping marathon or a hobbling race. Who knows, I might win if they allow walkers.

Dear God, help me to grow old with grace and just a tad of dignity.  I thank you for the adventures of a life well lived.  Lord, please help me always to be able to laugh, and spread joy and abundant love.  In Jesus' most wonderful name, I ask this,  Amen.

Faith, Inspiration, Aging, Charles Towne


4 comments on this item Please log in to comment by clicking here

  • Richardmvelho

    Sorry Chaz, I don't know Grace, no matter how old she is! But my neighbors, the Hills, amazingly a lot of folks think I am the same age as them!

    Wednesday, April 26, 2023 Report this

  • MamaMia

    Mr. Towne, What happened was time flys when your having fun, and you didn't even notice anything, because you were having fun, but there is comfort in knowing, that those who accuse of us of being old, or over the hill now, their day will come, when it all dawns on them, and they reflect back on their own glory days. Don't dwell on your age, you are like a fine wine, better with age!

    Wednesday, April 26, 2023 Report this

  • Charles

    RichardI don't exactly know how old the hills are but Uncle Zeb had to be told when he died and then he refused to believe it and he kept digging his way out of his grave so they decided to cremate hime but that same night, believe it or not, aunt Mergatroid was shocked when she went to bed there Zeb was, all tucked in bed. She never complained though 'cause she said that what with Zeb bein' cremated and all she never suffered from cold feet again. Oh well, some folks have a greater propensity for evil than others. Chaz

    Wednesday, April 26, 2023 Report this

  • Richardmvelho

    Uncle Zeb seems like someone I would like to have known! No one is without value, everybody has a purpose. It is just that my purpose seems to be being a bad example!

    Mamma Mia, Always good to see you and enjoy your wisdom! I also worry about the youngsters of today, when they get old, will they even have any exciting memories to look back on? I mean how is "I once played video games for 48 hours straight" a memory worthy of recall???

    Thursday, April 27, 2023 Report this