Traffic Alert:
Apopka Fire and Police Departments responded to a collision that involved a motorcycle and SUV on Main Street next to Porkie's Original BBQ at 256 East
Main Street. According to witnesses, the motorcycle was traveling eastbound on Main Street when he was unable to avoid falling off his motorcycle when he rapidly approached an SUV slowing to turn into Porkie's parking lot. The motorcycle apparently avoided a collision with the SUV, but hit the curb, fell into the roadway, and suffered a head injury.
At the time of the collision, patrons at Porkie's including friends, family, and supporters of Gene Knight, who was hosting a meet-and-greet event for his City Commission Seat #1 campaign, approached the cyclist to assist. Apopka City Commissioner Kyle Becker and Knight were first on the scene to provide assistance along with two Orange County deputies (also dining at Porky's) until the APD and AFD took charge of the scene.
"I think he will be okay," said Becker. I think he will obviously have a severe concussion, but he didn't seem to have any back or neck injuries, but he was tended to by Apopka's Fire Rescue, so you know he will be in good hands."
"The guy had some face damage but I believe he should be ok," said Knight.
The cyclist sustained head injuries. AFD paramedics put him on a crash cart and transported him to a hospital.
This is a breaking story and will be updated.