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The Stretch Run: Apopka Mayoral Recall heads into the final days of stage one

1,500 petitions received with May 18th deadline looming


Dennis New, the Chairman of the Recall Apopka Mayor Bryan Nelson Committee, and his team of volunteers are nearing the finish line of a 30-day journey. Their goal is to collect enough signed petitions by registered Apopka voters to move on to the next stage of the recall. According to the Orange County Supervisor of Elections (SOE) website, there are 35,243 registered voters in Apopka as of the 2022 election. In order to move to the next stage of the recall, the committee would need 1,762.15 signed petitions (5%).

If he gets that amount, New will deliver them to Apopka City Clerk Susan Bone on May 18th. Bone will then deliver them to SOE Bill Cowles for an official count.

According to New, the committee received 3,500 blank petitions from the SOE to be signed. As of May 15th, they have distributed 2,000 to Apopka voters and have approximately 1,500 signed and in hand. Therefore to qualify for stage two, they need at least 263 petitions to be returned on or before May 18th.

If they make it to stage two, the task becomes more daunting. The committee will have 60 days to collect 15% of Apopka voters' signatures on petitions - which is 5,286.45.

But for New, this effort, however difficult, is to save the city he loves.

"My quest is to help make people realize the issues within the city and save the city from ruin," New said.  

He also wanted to make it clear that if they do not receive enough petitions for the first stage, he will not turn them in, and therefore they won't become a matter of public record.

"If the number is not met, many people are concerned about retaliation from the city," he said. "In that case, all the signed petitions will be destroyed and not turned in."

According to the petition, the reasons the committee cited for recalling Nelson are:


We, the electors of the City of Apopka, recall Mayor Bryan Nelson due to Malfeasance, Misfeasance, and Incompetence. Bryan Nelson lied about- 1) Serving as Mayor for half salary; 2) Firing the former Fire Chief; 3) Firing long term employees who disagree with him, or who supported his former political opponent; 4) new Affordable Housing Development in the City Center; 5) the death of a young firefighter, and the safety committee that was supposed to investigate same; 6) the water quality, backflow preventers and the fine assessed by Fla. DEP; 7) Encourages City employees to withhold public  records; He refuses to hold anyone accountable for the death of Austin Duran; continues to reward those  responsible for the lack of proper training for firefighters; manipulated a city council election; continues  to involve himself in the Rock Springs Ridge matter; refuses to properly fund or provide for first  responders; uses City Resources to punish those that oppose or question him; argues against hiring needed first responders; Ignores the council and the public; permits employees to disrespect members of the  public and the council; ignores provisions of the charter; wants to be dictator."

Nelson responded to the recall's allegations in a May 5th statement.

“There’s a whole lot of issues that he’s not taking any action on, so it’s time to find honest leadership for our city,” said New.

Recall, Apopka, Apopka Mayor Bryan Nelson, Recall Petitions


17 comments on this item Please log in to comment by clicking here

  • MamaMia

    But if there are enough petitions signed, and returned, they won't be destroyed, and will be public record. Also, from what I read in the Apopka Chief Newspaper, the mayor will be given the list, and has so many days to go and contact the signers, visit them, if he wants, as to why they signed the recall petition. Yes, this is going to be interesting!

    Wednesday, May 17, 2023 Report this

  • wheresthepopcorn

    I hope they get them so we can see who is on the list. Was someone on the council dumb enough to sign?

    Wednesday, May 17, 2023 Report this

  • DennisNew

    Well once again for those who chose to not use their real name, first off the SOE did not give us the petitions, what you read in the Chief was incorrect and a possible violation of the law that governs recalls. The rebuttal is not to be issued until the first group of petitions has been verified by the SOE. Then the Mayor would be allowed 200 words in his rebuttal and the city has to print the second set of petitions. The mayor will be able to see the names and can visit whoever he pleases, but that is not a part of the law as written. His rebuttal is what is allowed. A complaint has already been filed for voter intimidation with regard to his rebuttal printed in the Chief, that action by definition is voter intimidation, same as standing by the polls interfering with ballots. As for anyone being "dumb" enough to sign! I can't believe there are people "dumb" enough to not open their eyes to see what is going on that led to this recall. Everyone has a right under this Nations democratic process to follow the law, seems your Mayor just can't follow the laws as written. The safety committee being stopped is one example, the rebuttal being 1400 words and published during the process is yet another. But then you turn a blind eye to the condition of the city, the lack of planning for infrastructure improvement. The high turnover rate, the senior people leaving the city due to poor management. Ask yourself are you part of the graft and corruption or do you care about this city.

    Wednesday, May 17, 2023 Report this

  • MelissaW

    I wonder why the other commenters care so much about who voted to recall the mayor. I hope it isn’t to intimidate them in any capacity. I signed the petition… what’s wrong with that?

    Wednesday, May 17, 2023 Report this

  • Richard

    Reid and whoever is hiding behind the popcorn name obviously are fed info from the cronies. I wish T-Reid would come back to city

    Council meetings.

    Wednesday, May 17, 2023 Report this

  • wheresthepopcorn

    Melissa I do not care if you signed it. I know this recall won't happened. I am curious as to whether any one on the council signed. Not enough people in Apopka care. It is a long battle and that is not going to change the now. I would rather focus on making the city better than an uphill battle. Make him take action now. He is too busy fighting this recall. The recall made it worse.

    Looking forward to the meeting today, I have a lot of popcorn ready. It will be interesting without a attorney present.

    Wednesday, May 17, 2023 Report this

  • MamaMia

    Dennis, you can stop it with the hiding under the fake name theme, when referring to me, MamaMia, as you know who I am, I told you who I was, in our discussion about me going to school with your older brother, Donald, on the Apopka Voice. This complaining about fake name crap is getting old. I read what I read, and stated, on the Apopka Voice, right out of last Friday"s Apopka Chief Newspaper, so if you do like the message, from the messenger, I suggest you contact The Apopka Chief. Have a nice council meeting Dennis, see ya!

    Wednesday, May 17, 2023 Report this

  • MamaMia

    Melissa, my reason for wanting to know who signed the recall petition is not to intimidate them, no, not at all, it is for my own information, so I will know if they ever run for election, I will recognize their names, and NOT VOTE for them! Sorry, Melissa W, guess I'll never vote for you either, if you run, and you seemed like such a nice person......LOL. This is America, my choice, my reasons..Yes, I am interested in, if any of the sitting council members signed it, as it would be proof of an insider insurrection! Have a nice day Melissa!

    Wednesday, May 17, 2023 Report this

  • MamaMia

    Richard, nice to know I am missed at the city council meetings. You want to share your actual full name, or is it "puddin' tang"? LOL

    Wednesday, May 17, 2023 Report this

  • MamaMia

    Reply to Dianne Tomarelli Faircloth:. I see your posting about MamaMia, that is me, on the Apopka Critic, and yes, I did attend every city council meeting (almost) under Mayor Joe K, and fought against things that concerned me, that Joe was doing, and yes I did, and I am proud of it! Thanks Dianne for making people aware of what I did to try to stop a run away train, and be a true citizen advocate, but not with a crew, as you stated in your posting, but advocating as a lone concerned citizen, about many different issues, that are still affecting our citizens today, even though Joe is no longer in power.

    Wednesday, May 17, 2023 Report this

  • ReggieC

    Just a quick reminder and a few more rules for commenting on this site. If your comments are aimed at other readers and insulting, I'm probably going to take it down. If you are commenting more than once on an article, unless it is in sincere response to another comment, I'll probably take it down. If your comment is not on topic, I'll probably take it down.

    I want readers of The Apopka Voice to feel free to comment and participate in the discussion, but I will not stand for bullying of any sort on my site.

    Wednesday, May 17, 2023 Report this

  • QuilterBee

    Unfortunately, I have heard from many citizens that although they would like to see the recall vote for Mayor Nelson go forward, they are afraid to sign the petition in fear of retaliation. We have seen how Mayor Nelson misuses his power. I personally can attest to instances and people who have been on the receiving end when Mayor Nelson has exceeded his role. He definitely is one to hold a grudge and act in a biased manner. Also, at this late date, he should not be answering "I don't know" when questioned about why the sand trailer was still in service. If he was competent at his job or even cared about Austin Duran's death, he would be at the forefront of finding out these answers, not making excuses for the Fire Chief and himself. I hope enough people have the courage to sign the petition in spite of their fears of retaliation.

    Wednesday, May 17, 2023 Report this

  • wheresthepopcorn

    Reggie I like these rules. I wish others did the same. The mole could learn a lot from

    you. But he can say whatever he wants because “freedom of speech” Bullying and intimidation is not free speech.

    Thank you

    Wednesday, May 17, 2023 Report this

  • MamaMia

    Reggie, may I just ask this? I am referring to page 6A of the Apopka Chief Newspaper at the top, May 12th, 2023 edition, and it quotes Susan Bone, the city clerk, as stating Bill Cowles, SOE, will make a special presentation about the recall process at the city council meeting on May 17th, 2023. I did not hear that on the council meeting audio on you tube, and I think I caught it all. What gives?

    Thursday, May 18, 2023 Report this

  • Richard

    I apologize to the Apopka Voice. Sometimes it’s easy to get sucked in to the ridiculous comments that are continually made over and over again. I appreciate this outlet and the outstanding coverage this media source gives to Apopkan’s. I will not be replying to nonsensical banter by fake aliases anymore. Thank you Reggie.

    Friday, May 19, 2023 Report this

  • Kathryn

    Tenita Reid aka MamaMia (don’t deny, you outed yourself a few months ago in the comment section) Stop stirring the pot. The ballots will be destroyed, unlike what the Mayor and the City has done to Dennis New publicly, he would not turn around and do that to supporters.

    Sunday, May 21, 2023 Report this

  • MamaMia

    Kathryn, I don't exactly understand what you mean by outed myself a few months ago, unless you are referring to me telling Dennis who I was in school, and my unusual first name, so people who knew me, would know who I am. Dennis and others, continue to say people who post under fake names, knowing who I am. You all act like it is some big secret or something. I think it was you, and few others who claimed I was the mayor's kinfolk, the mayor's son, even the mayor posting under MamaMia You all would not believe me, when I told you I was not those people. Funny, the people against the mayor, can say some of the most outrageous, disrespectful, and nasty things, but if say anything, oh, I am stirring the pot. I think you all are stirring pot! By the way, I just saw your comments, or I would have already responded. I listened to Dennis, and the Apopka mole, talking on their video during the recall, and how Dennis said he has known the mayor since being kids. He even said Bryan spoke at his mother's funeral. I don't know what happened between them, but it appears to be way more that what meets the eye. Like I say, I don't know.

    Sunday, May 21, 2023 Report this