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The Easter bunny? Not! A tale of raisins gone bad



By Charles Towne

My dear, loving sister, Betty, AKA, The Snapping Turtle, when not down at the river eating snakes, toads, and rotten fish, was invariably thinking up ways to build my character.

I love raisins, always have, but there was that time when my sinisterly sweet sister gave me a nice handful of raisins. I, unaccustomed to her generosity, sat there in my mud puddle in a raisin induced state of euphoria, just munching away.

Awhile later she offered me some more raisins which I gladly accepted. Now you should know, in my defense that I was only five or six at the time, not in my teens as she likes to tell it. When she offered the raisin box to me I was sure I had been raptured, I mean, it couldn’t get any better than this!

I took the box, jammed my grubby little paw in, grabbed a handful, and shoving them into my mouth I began chewing. Chew, chew, chew, stop chewing.

Yuck! Up until that moment I had never heard of a rotten raisin.

My sweet, loving, sister stood there watching me with a wicked smile on her face as she asked, “What’s wrong?” “bad raisin!” I answered as I started spitting the nasty raisins out, trying to wipe my tongue off at the same time. She snickered an evil snapping turtle snicker as she asked, “Do you know where raisins come from?” I shook my head and answered, “A Raisin tree?” “no you silly thing.” She replied, follow me, and I will show you.”

And she led me out to the rabbit pens and pointed at all those little smart pills scattered under the cages, saying, “See, raisins.” As far as I can remember I never accepted another raisin from her.

Isn’t it wonderful that Papa God always gives us good gifts? Gifts like Jesus, born as an infant, crucified, raised from the dead, and soon to return, that we may have eternal life. And that my friend, aint no gift from any Easter bunny!


Live simply,

Love generously,

Trust God, and make a difference, today.

Charles Towne is a longtime Apopka resident, member of Insp!re Church and a published author.

Charles Towne, Inspiration


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