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Faith and Inspiration

The "ING" of Cats...


An introduction to the language of cats begins with that primitive action form of “ING,” as it is used in its many forms.

Here we will start with an example of cattese as used in this complex feline language.

Our first word will be yowl, or more precisely, ‘yowling’ as it is used in its active form. 

You will never hear a cat say, “I am going to go out and yowl tonight!” 

No, cats go on a yowling campaign without any warning whatsoever.
 You know what I am talking about. 

Say you are sound asleep one dark night when suddenly, with no warning whatsoever, your sweet kitty is screaming like a banshee in your good ear!

 Now wasn’t that refreshing?

Yeah, you know what I mean!

The cat in question might have a perfectly good reason for SCREAMING in your ear. 

Perhaps he is telling you in his not-so-delicate manner that his litter box needs to be cleaned or that you were snoring too loudly and you disturbed his sleep. 

Whatever the reason, you might as well get up and do what sweet kitty wants because all thought of sleep has been relegated to the nether regions of sane thought for at least several hours.

Yowling is another word closely related to screaming but usually comes in pairs, like when you have two or more cats. 

Screeching and caterwauling are similar words that tend to drastically reduce a person’s viable sleep time, but we can go into those at another time.

Dear Father, how sweet is your voice to our ears!  When you speak, your words are comforting and never raucous or in any way irritating.  Please draw near as our sweet friend. Please, wash us with your love.   We adore you, O Holy, and may our lives resonate with your sweet voice.  In Jesus’ sweet name, we ask it, Amen

Charles Towne, Faith, Inspiration, Cats


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