“Crime and Community” is the title of the first Task Force listening session
The Apopka Community Task Force on Violence will be holding the first of three listening sessions for the community to participate and provide their input and recommendations pertaining to issues in our community.
The first listening sessions entitled, “Crime and Community” will focus on crime in the community and the community as a whole. The meeting will be held at 6:00 PM on Tuesday, May 24th at the Fran Carlton Center.
Participants are asked to RSVP via e-mail to Help@ApkTaskForce.com.
The second listening sessions entitled, “Education and Employment/Jobs” which will be focusing on the education and employment/jobs opportunities and linkages and how it impacts the reduction of crime and delinquency.
The third meeting entitled, “Family and Government Accountability” will directly focus on personal/individual and government accountability to one another.