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Studying Medicine in Australia


Have you ever considered studying medicine in Australia? Australia offers a unique and highly respected medical education system that attracts students from around the world, including the United States. With a range of pathways to enter medical school, from undergraduate programs to graduate-entry options, Australia provides flexibility for various academic backgrounds. 

Medicine is known for being one of the most competitive university degrees to pursue, but the various pathways to get there aren't as widely understood. Unlike other fields of study, there are multiple ways to gain admission into medical school, and each pathway has its unique requirements and considerations. However, one thing’s for sure—you will have to sit the GAMSAT exam.

The GAMSAT (Graduate Medical School Admissions Test) is an exam used primarily in Australia, the UK, and Ireland for admission to graduate-entry medical programs. For Americans, it's somewhat akin to the MCAT, but with some key differences. GAMSAT is designed to assess problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and the ability to understand and analyze complex written material. It consists of three sections: reasoning in humanities and social sciences, written communication (essays), and reasoning in biological and physical sciences. 

The exam doesn't just test science knowledge; it also evaluates your ability to think critically across various subjects, making it a unique challenge even for those familiar with the MCAT. A good GAMSAT preparation course is often necessary if you’re aiming for a good GAMSAT score that will open up the doors to medical schools in Australia for you.

Institutions that require a GAMSAT score include the University of Western Australia, Flinders University, and the University of Queensland. Entry requirements generally include the GPA from your most recent three years of study, a GAMSAT score, and an interview. Some universities also require a portfolio highlighting relevant extracurricular experiences. 

Applications are usually processed through GEMSAS, a centralized system, although some universities, such as Flinders University, the University of Sydney, and Monash University, require direct applications. Note that Monash University has specific entry criteria for domestic and international applicants based on previous studies in biomedical sciences.

The cost of studying medicine in Australia

Now, let’s talk about a major point of consideration – the cost of studying medicine in Australia. Studying medicine in Australia, like in the US, comes with a significant financial commitment. Tuition fees for international students can be quite high, often exceeding AUD 60,000 per year, depending on the university and the program. This is comparable to medical education costs in the US, where tuition can also reach tens of thousands of dollars annually. Additionally, living expenses in Australian cities such as Sydney or Melbourne can add substantially to the overall cost.

However, there are cheaper options available as well. Medical school places fall into three categories: Commonwealth Supported Places (CSP), Bonded Medical Places (BMP), and Full-Fee Places (FFP). FFPs are the most expensive since they are not subsidized by the government, costing upwards of $350,000 for a four-year degree at institutions like the University of Melbourne. Eligible Australian citizens or permanent residents can apply for a FEE-HELP loan to cover part of these costs, but it’s important to note the borrowing limit.

CSPs and BMPs offer subsidized tuition, making them significantly cheaper, around $14,000 per year. However, BMPs come with a “return of service” obligation, requiring graduates to work in areas of need, typically rural or remote locations, for a minimum of three years within an 18-year period. Failure to meet this commitment could result in repayment of the subsidy. Approximately 30% of medical school spots are BMPs.

Many Australian universities also offer medical places to international students across all pathways—undergraduate, postgraduate, and direct entry. While requirements are similar, international students might have additional options, such as sitting the MCAT instead of the GAMSAT, and they must apply directly to universities rather than through centralized domestic systems like GEMSAS. Keep in mind that international students will need to cover significantly higher tuition fees.


All in all, navigating the pathways to a medical degree in Australia can be complex, with options including undergraduate, postgraduate, and direct entry into postgraduate programs. Each path has its unique set of requirements and considerations, and it’s important to thoroughly research and understand the best fit for your circumstances. We hope this guide has clarified the different routes available and provided you with a starting point for your journey. Remember, whichever path you choose, determination and the right preparation can help you achieve your goal of studying medicine. 

As mentioned earlier, one of the first and most crucial steps towards studying medicine in Australia is to prepare for the GAMSAT. This exam is a key component of the application process for many medical schools, testing your reasoning, problem-solving skills, and foundational knowledge in the sciences and humanities. A strong GAMSAT score can significantly enhance your chances of securing a place in a competitive medical program. By dedicating time to prepare thoroughly, whether through self-study, courses, or practice exams, you can set a solid foundation for your medical journey. Starting your GAMSAT preparation early and with a strategic approach will help you feel confident and well-prepared as you take this important step toward your goal of studying medicine in Australia.

Is Australia a good country to study medicine? Where in Australia can I go to medical school? What is required to study medicine in Australia? What is the graduate-entry exam for medical studies in Australia? Education, International Education, Travel and Education, How much is it to go to medical school in Australia?


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