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Hurricane Season 2024

Stop, Look and Listen: Traffic signal safety tips to use in a post-hurricane scenario

Use the OCFL 311 mobile app to report an outage

In the aftermath of a hurricane, ensuring traffic light safety is of paramount importance. The chaos and disruption caused by the storm can lead to malfunctioning traffic signals, posing significant risks to both drivers and pedestrians. As communities work to recover and rebuild, it's crucial to emphasize the need for vigilance and caution at intersections affected by the storm, helping to prevent accidents and maintain safety on the roads.
It's a very real possibility in Orange County, but fortunately, there are some guidelines to follow and an app and phone number to utilize if necessary.

Imagine a world without any traffic signals; it's a scene of potential chaos. During power outages, stoplights often malfunction, causing mayhem for both drivers and pedestrians.

Here are a few reminders to keep you safe:

  • Flashing Red: Treat the light as a stop sign. Be sure to look in all directions before carefully advancing through an intersection.
  • Flashing Yellow: Slow down and proceed with caution through the intersection.
  • Lights out: Treat an inoperable stoplight as a four-way stop. Don’t expect other drivers to follow suit. Observe crossroads and pedestrian crossings and then proceed with caution.

Obeying these rules will keep you safer during times of uncertainty. Orange County residents can Dial 311, download the OCFL 311 mobile app, or call 407-836-3111 to report non-emergency incidents.

Orange County, Hurricane Season 2024, OCFL 311 mobile app, Traffic Lights, What should I do if the traffic lights aren't working after a hurricane?


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