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Oranole Foundation Celebrity Golf Tournament “Drives Out Hunger”


The Oranole Foundation held its 4th annual “Drive Out Hunger” Celebrity Golf Tournament yesterday at the Historical Dubsdread Golf Course in Orlando.

13335778_632794556873903_3044205469028322568_nThis year's celebrity guests included Anthony Bowie, Greg Kite, Coach Brian Hill and Nick Anderson, Orlando Magic Dancers, Dante Marchitelli Jr, City of Orlando Commissioner Robert Stuart.

The players participated in a Silent Auction fundraiser, as well as the usual golf-outing contests. There were prizes for a putting contest, hole-in-one, longest drive and closest to the pin.

More than 80 players and 40 sponsors participated. Funds raised will further the Foundation's mission, which is to have all children have 13346597_632775336875825_959900646288928392_naccess to food everyday.

Currently Oranole has pantries in Apopka, Lovell & Riverside Middle Schools as well as Bear Lake, Lake Gem, Lockhart, Midway, Ocoee, Piedmont, Rock Springs, Teague, and Wheatley Elementary Schools.

The Oranole Foundation Story

In 2011, Louie Morales watched a 60 Minutes documentary that shared the stories of numerous children in Central Florida that were struggling in school, feeling insecure and believing it was their fault that their families had to choose between electricity and food. 13325472_632766653543360_5250627992329513075_nThese kids recalled using flashlights and candles to do their homework and were considering dropping out to find work to help their families.

The recession may have ended in 2009 but in the 2013-2014 school year, Florida’s public schools were able to identify 71,446 students as homeless and a recent study in Central Florida found that out of the 610,042 people that were counted as homeless, 138,149 or 23% were children under the age of 18. These children have been labeled the fastest growing population of homeless people since the great depression.

Within a few months of watching the 60 Minutes program, Louie, along with the help of some local friends from Journey Christian Church did something about it starting right here in Apopka. He began The Oranole Foundation as a non-profit organization with a mission to make sure all children have access to food every day. Each pantry provides up to 400 meals per week which is 14,000 meals per school year and can be done for as little as .10 cents a meal!




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