From the Orange County Clerk of Courts
Clerk Tiffany Moore Russell, Esq., has been re-elected unopposed to another term as the Orange County Clerk of Courts. With no challenger in the race, Russell was re-elected and will serve another four-year term.
Russell has also been installed as President of the Florida Court Clerks and Comptrollers (FCCC) Association 2024-2025 Board of Directors, a position that underscores her increased influence and responsibilities. Russell was also sworn in to serve another term on the Executive Council of the Florida Clerks of Court Operations Corporation (CCOC), a role that further solidifies her commitment to overseeing Florida clerks’ budgets.
Orange County Clerk of Court Tiffany Moore-Russell.
“It is such an honor to serve my community and as President of the FCCC. One of my top priorities is to elevate the Clerk of Courts brand in order to amplify our statewide influence, which in turn helps our local offices serve the local community. I will also focus on strengthening our posture as digital record keepers, especially in a time when cyber security is a threat. I look forward to leading my local office and this great organization of elected Clerks and Comptrollers,” said Clerk Russell.
The FCCC is an association representing Florida’s 68 independently elected Clerks of Court and Comptrollers. These public servants provide critical public services that positively impact public safety, commerce, and access to justice. They have over 1,000 statutory responsibilities in service to constituents, the court system, and justice partners.
Russell was sworn in by Judge Alicia Latimore, 9th Judicial Circuit, on Wednesday, June 19th. Her FCCC presiding term begins July 1, 2024. During the conference, Clerk Russell also announced her presidential theme, which will guide initiatives during her tenure: “Let’s Change the Game Together.”