From the Orange County Newsroom
At Monday's news conference, Orange County Mayor Jerry Demings announced that, starting April 5, the county will be re-opening several seniors facilities, gyms, and courts, as well as youth summer camps, at limited capacities. More details below on these re-openings, as well as on COVID-19 vaccination doses arriving and pop-up locations coming at the end of the week.
The Florida Department of Health in Orange County is allocating another 3,500 doses that AdventHealth will distribute on Friday, April 2, 2021 at the pop-up site outside the Orlando International Airport.
The vaccines at this site will only be available to those 40 years and older. Appointments are required. A sign-up link is available on
All Florida residents who are age 40 and up are now eligible for the COVID vaccine at ANY vaccination site.
The Florida Department of Health in Orange County’s vaccination site is now able to handle 3,400 appointments per day. Appointments closed for today, but please stay tuned for an upcoming date and time for a new appointment portal opening. Sign up for alerts at
The medically vulnerable are also eligible for the vaccine. A medical form that is signed by your physician is required. You can find this form along with additional information on vaccines at
Beginning April 5, Orange County is re-opening the County’s senior centers, gymnasiums, fitness centers and outdoor courts at a limited capacity of 50%. For information about specific locations visit, the Senior Recreation page.
In addition, the county summer youth camps will re-open. The county will continue to monitor regional health indicators to determine when a full re-opening will be scheduled.
The Orange County Public Works Department, Planning, Environmental, and Development Services and the Utilities Department will re-open customer lobby areas and/or main buildings to the public. Appointments will be required and limited fact-to-face interactions.
The FEMA-operated vaccination hub at Valencia College West Campus (1800 S. Kirkman Road) remains open 7 days per week, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. No appointments necessary. Please arrive early as first doses can run out by early to mid-afternoon.
Beginning today Monday, March 29, the Valencia West Campus site in Orlando will be able to administer 3,000 first doses of the Pfizer vaccine per day.
Additionally, this federally supported site will remain open for four additional weeks. This site was previously expected to close on April 28 and will now close on May 26. For more information, visit Florida Disaster’s webpage.
Additional FEMA site:
Orange County Library - South Trail Branch: 4600 S. Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando, FL 32839
Walk-up only, no appointments needed
Open 7 days a week
9 a.m. – 5 p.m.,* or until daily supply is exhausted
*(note updated closing time)