Alan Grayson & David Jolly to Participate in Bottom-Up Open Debate in Florida Senate Race
Alan Grayson (D)
The bipartisan Open Debate Coalition announced on Tuesday that Republican Congressman David Jolly (FL13) and Democratic Congressman Alan Grayson (FL9) will participate in a first-ever Open Debate for U.S. Senate.
The format is unique; Regular people submit and vote on questions in advance. Moderators must choose from the Top 30 vote-getters.
The in-person studio debate will take place in Orlando at 7:00 PM EDT on Monday, April 25. Question submission and voting is now open at and lasts through 12:00 PM EDT on Monday, April 25.
David Jolly (R)
Debate moderators will include The Young Turks, the #1 news channel on YouTube with over 3 billion views and Independent Journal Review, which is the #1 news channel on Vine.
Other distribution channels are expected to be announced.
An “open video feed” will allow any website or TV station to broadcast top quality debate footage live or rebroadcast later without violating copyright. The coalition hopes this debate format will lead to millions of new debate viewers online this cycle, especially younger viewers.