As part of our coverage of the 2016 City Council Campaign The Apopka Voice will ask all of the candidates a question each week and will publish their answers to that question.
The goal is to present the thoughts and ideas of each candidate to the voters in an easily understood format.
The Question of the Week will be sent to the candidates at Noon on Friday. The deadline for the candidates' responses will be the following Monday at noon. We will publish the answers as soon as possible on Monday afternoon. Responses will be limited to 200 words or less.
Where will the questions come from?
From the readers of The Apopka Voice!
We will ask you to tell us what questions you want answered. We believe this process will allow the Apopka voters to be better informed when it comes time to cast their votes.
On Friday we asked the candidates the question you selected last week:
“What is the biggest issue facing Apopka today?”
Use these links to to see their answers:
City Council Seat 3 Candidates Q&A
City Council Seat 4 Candidates Q&A
Use this link to vote for the question to be asked next week:
Candidate Question of the Week Poll - Week 3