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Faith and Inspiration

Blessings come in all manner of disguises


Now I want you to know that my dear mama (rest her soul) was an A1, champeen, certified, extra-ordinary, splendiferous cook! She could conjure up dishes that would make them fancy French chefs envious, and with little or nothing to cook with, too!

Meatloaf? Why I should say so!

You take a big chunk of my mama’s meatloaf and sink your teeth into it, and it will put a smile on your face and get you to drooling so bad you will have to hang a bucket under your chin to catch all the slobber! I mean, it was GOOOOD!

Back in the sixties, for whatever reason, there was a beef shortage, and the ladies were challenged to create dishes for their families that had the texture and flavor of the meat but without the meat. Time passed, as it usually does, and there was beef in the butcher shops again, and it wasn’t long before one of the TV stations ran a series of interviews where they featured some of the more creative housewives that had created especially tasty dishes.

The most popular interview featured a Michigan housewife. It was on the show, while the announcer sat there eating a slice of her meatloaf, that she revealed her secret: two cans of Alpo dog food added to the mix. Much to the announcer’s credit, he never missed a beat as he asked around a mouthful of dog food meatloaf, “And what did your husband say about you feeding him dog food?” The lady, with a sweet smile on her face, answered, “Well, he and the children didn’t know they were eating dog food until just now, but I will tell you this, there were never any leftovers!”

It is interesting with God’s blessings, there is always enough to go around, and that ain't no dog food!

How was meatloaf made when there wasn't any meat available in the 1960's? Charles Towne, Inspiration and Faith, Humor, Creative Food Prep, God's blessing, Do God's blessings ever stop?


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  • Richardmvelho

    Being raised as a non-vegetarian SDA, we always had access to alternative 'meat' sources, but also being born and raised in Wisconsin, we also had CHEESE! I grew up knowing that macaroni & cheese was a perfectly main course for dinner and tomato soup and grilled cheese was a superior lunch! Tuna was also quite prevalent as was chicken, homemakers of that era were unquestioned masters of innovation and economical resourcefulness! How does the saying go? I have been required to do more and more with less and less for so long that I now can do almost anything with nothing at all!

    Monday, July 3, 2023 Report this