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Auto burglaries: Crimes of opportunity


Valuables in view are a magnet for thieves

From the Apopka Police Department

The Apopka Police Department is seeing a shift in the method of operation for committing auto burglaries.

The public is doing a better job of locking their cars, which is good, but our residents and visitors are leaving valuables in view.

Many auto burglaries are crimes of opportunity. Entry may be made through an unlocked car where the burglar then rummages through the storage areas. If the car is locked, they are not likely to break a window and be heard, or risk breaking a window and setting off an alarm. However, if a valuable is seen, breaking a window and taking the item only takes a matter of seconds.

In the past most of the auto burglaries occurred to unsecured vehicles located in subdivisions. Although we continue to see auto burglaries within subdivisions, this trend has shifted to forced entry by breaking a window and usually occurs when there are valuables left in plain view.

Many of the burglaries are now occurring in parking lots instead of subdivisions. The Apopka Police Department would like to remind everyone to lock their vehicles and remove valuables. If you have must leave valuables in your vehicle while not at home keep them out of plain view, preferably in the trunk or rear passenger area covered up.

The community is also reminded that if you “see something, say something.” Please report all suspicious activity to the Apopka Police Department.


Apopka Police Department, Auto Burglaries


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