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Apopka Rants and Apopka Critic Founders Make Endorsements


The founders of two popular Facebook Pages related to Apopka have made endorsements together in a joint statement. Annie Cunningham, founder of Apopka - Rants, Raves, Reviews and News and Jack Do Martin, founder of Apopka Critic have both endorsed Commissioner Sam Ruth in his runoff against Doug Bankson. Apopka - Rants, Raves, Reviews and News is a closed group with 5,457 Facebook followers, while The Apopka Critic has 3,278.

The Apopka Critic The Apopka Critic

In a joint statement on both their Facebook pages, they write:

"Today, both Jack Do Martin aka Apopka Critic and Annie Cunningham aka Apopka - Rants, Raves, Reviews and News will unify with our endorsement for Sam Ruth Seat #3.

We are delighted to announce our endorsement for Sam Ruth! We need Sam Ruth to continue his leadership role for the community of Apopka. Sam is a family man, an honest man, he is one that understands the needs of what our citizens of Apopka are looking for and have been wanting for so many years. He listens, he does his homework, and he will not waver from making a positive decision for this community just because others disagree. He has integrity!

Sam Ruth Sam Ruth

Sam Ruth is our pathway to getting Apopka on track whereas we have been derailed for so many years. He has worked very hard in his current council position and we have seen many positive changes within our community that have been overlooked, dismissed or not even acknowledged in the past decades. If you want to move forward and show that Apopka will continue to succeed then Sam Ruth is the person that can help us do that.

Our vote is for Sam Ruth – the right choice with the right agenda for Apopka. Please vote on April 12th at the VFW. Do not assume that your vote will not matter – IT WILL!!!"



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