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5 Ways Florida Residents Can Improve the Quality of Their Sleep


Sleep plays a crucial role in all our lives, and our bodies need sleep to repair cells, rest, recover, and restore energy, to name a few. Sleep is very complex, and the body's functions while in sleep mode are not to be taken for granted. Still, many folks in Florida miss out on a good night's rest and are consistently busy.

Today is all about ways you can get your good night's sleep in Florida and feel well-rested, refreshed, and in a better mood.

1. Have a dedicated sleep routine

It helps to have a routine for sleep, and this dedicated routine should be practiced every evening to ensure that the body responds like clockwork. For example, start winding down from a certain time of the evening. You could maybe do a self-massage or diffuse some lavender essential oil to help promote sleep.

Even with a good sleep routine, some people struggle more than others, especially with conditions like sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is prevalent in about 18 million Americans, as per Houston Sleep Solutions. If you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea, practice your sleep routine and use your sleep devices as required to aid sleep.

2. Get sun during the day and reduce blue light

The sun plays a pivotal role in our internal sleep-wake function, and enough sun helps promote the body's melatonin production. Melatonin is a crucial hormone that helps the body realize that it is time to sleep and will produce this hormone at night. Still, things like mobile phone screens, computers, and TV screens present a blue light that disrupts sleep since it makes the body confused into thinking it's daytime.

At best, if you have to stay up late in front of the screen with work or studies, ensure that you're protecting your eyes and using glasses with an anti-reflective coating or a blue light-blocking coat on the lenses. Some screens also have eye comfort features that reduce strain but may not necessarily filter out the blue light.

3. Use natural remedies like CBN

Natural remedies can help improve sleep and won't have the risks or side effects of sleeping tablets or other over-the-counter options. CBN is the shorter form of cannabinol and is a non-psychoactive molecular derivative of THC. While they share characteristics, CBN is the much weaker variant. Cannabinoids found in hemp are useful for sleep and are known to be mildly sedative with relaxing effects.

Other natural options include having a cup of chamomile tea or warm milk infused with honey an hour or two before bedtime. You can do a soothing self-massage to help your body wind down and relax. Sometimes, tension in muscles caused by the stress of the day can reduce the ability to sleep soundly.

4. Get physically active

You don't have to be a gym fanatic to be physical or exercise hardcore each day to be active. Simply incorporating an exercise session into each day is already creating a more active lifestyle. Exercise promotes sleep and also helps stimulate serotonin, which is another hormone that regulates sleep.

Taking walks every day is also good and can help you not only control weight gain but will help you feel more energized for the day and wind down to sleep at night. If you have concerns with high-impact exercise on your joints, then try low-impact variations like swimming, cycling, and walking at a slower pace.

5. Make your bedroom a comfortable place to sleep

If your bedroom doesn't make you feel comfortable or it's cluttered and not your best place in the home, then it won't be effective in contributing to your sleep. You can hire special design-build firms with expert teams that take care of an entire home project from top to bottom. As part of your home remodel, pay special attention to the bedroom and allow the experts to create a relaxing bedroom to encourage sleep.

Have you got any of these points down already to help better your sleep? Why not give these tips a go and see how to enjoy a good night's rest?

How can I get a better night's sleep? What habits will improve my sleep cycle? Is it harder to get to sleep in Florida? Is 'blue light' a thing, and does it disrupt sleep? How can CBN help with my sleep cycles? Health


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