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So if we were exposed to someone with COVID, we have the antibodies to fight it off? Or if we were vaccinated against COVID, we have the antibodies? Early on, Mayor Nelson provided people with free testing at a drive thru event at the VFW in Apopka. The fire department paramedics gave use the blood tests. It was to determine if any person had the COVID antibody in their bodies. Every person that day, in line, including my husband, and me tested negative. Later, the mayor was informed, that the tests may have been compromised, invalid, inaccurate or whatever it was stated. I'll be darned if people didn't start attacking the mayor over it. He didn't manufacture the tests. Just ridiculous. This is the mentality of people in this town. When I donate blood, they label mine rare. I do not have a rare blood type, but have rare antibodies in my blood. It is not COVID related. I don't know what it is. I was told I could find out at the big blood bank in Orlando, if I go there Once, the blood bank asked me if I would come in, and donate for a person who needed the antibodies from my blood, who was in the hospital, and I went to the local blood bank here and donated my blood, hoping to help that person in the hospital.

From: Study: 96.4% of Americans had COVID-19 antibodies in their blood by fallĀ 2022

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