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Hey there my friend! Ya done good this week! I shall attempt to answer most, but not all. There must remain some mystery for the sake of sanity! First, let me compliment you, your alliteration skills are second to none! OK, here we go.... This is the oldest I have ever been, SO FAR!

second, do not confuse precedent with result, ingredientes with final product! Both Sodium and Chloride are extremely toxic yet when mixed they give us salt, necessary for our body to function! Then if we were to avoid idiots, life would not be nearly as entertaining as it is and where would we get politicians to govern us? Postponing difficult tasks seems to me an obvious "PlanA", a real time and effort saver! And lastly my friend, if you don't know where you are going, any road WILL get you there, This is a proven mathematical concept, look up "Drunkard's Walk" It will explain why this is true!

Chuck, I count you as one of my friends and I enjoy your writing, it informs, entertains, and blesses each and every reader! I only ask when you stand before the Throne of Grace, you look over the railing and shout "Hey Buddy, UP HERE!"

hey my friend

From: Beware the wild muse...

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