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Tall tales, fairy tales, I think most of us grew up with such and these did have a purpose. They taught us to never give up, to hope for the best no matter how bad things looked, it's ok to be different, ideas that were helpful later in life. I grew up to rollicking tales of Paul Bunyan and Babe his giant blue ox! Every winter I would hope for another Blue Snow but alas, it never happened again! These things are a form of entertainment and/or instruction.

Lying on the other hand is always defined by intent, maliciousness, the desire to gain reward or recognition due to someone else, to avoid consequences for foolish acts. Lying never has a virtuous motivation.

David when he was running from Saul told a lie but his reason was to gather information to help him survive, and then there is that very special class of lie, How many men will answer truthfully when their wife asks " does this make me look fat? Do you like this dress? etc" then again these are probably lies designed to increase one's odds of survival!

From: The difference between levity and lying

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