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Deaodat Budhu has a work history at Orange County. Only, it is not the work history one should be proud of. He is void of ethics as evidenced in a project he had oversight on in NW Orange County. He made claims that did not hold up in court and is costing taxpayers plenty. Recent events have surfaced that have his name all over it while at Orange County. One thing he is not is ethical. Oh he is hard working. Only his work in multiple cases in Orange County are causing big problems. Court records of testimoney and discovery suggest, this is the wrong person for the job in any community. He is the pervervial "Yes" man when he declares everything a maintenance exemption versus doing the job right and per the Florida statutes. He is a city budget dream in the short run but the nightmare in the longrun. Only get him in court and he confesses that something may not have existed to maintain, thus his actions become a big liability. He may be the perfect role in Apopka for the wrong reasons. Look under the sheets. His name is connected to some serious environmental actions in and around Apopka.

From: Apopka hires 36-year veteran of Orange County to take over as Public Services Director

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