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Retro fit the Golden Gem pond that was poorly constructed, and no due diligence was done prior to the construction. The area is full of Kursk formations. and you put a pond on it. And now you want to spend another million dollars to "fix" it. One example of poor decision making, and mismanagement.

IDWTS is grant funded, yet listed as a reason to raise out costs. I'm sure there are a lot more grants available if you apply for them.

Are we not charging impact fees? Are they insufficient to cover the increased costs associated with the projects being built?

I understand it's a lot easier to just raise the rates to the people that have been in the city, than to increase the rates to the new comers. Our reuse water has diminished, to a point where it is difficult to repair irrigation systems for lack or pressure. It was fine before the Golden Gem pond was constructed. What happened?

The utilities department needs to do an actual audit. Explain what you have done, don't tell us what you want to justify giving you what you want. Tell us why you should get it. And the city needs to tell the residents why the utility department is so terribly mismanaged. And don't just blame the mayor.

From: City of Apopka makes its case for higher utility rates

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