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Lots of questions regarding the city giving away $50,000 to this organization, when they don't even have the non- profit status yet, but Commissioner Nesta is fine and dandy with it? The commissioner who pushed for the forensic audit at a cost of what....1.3 million dollars? Where are his priorities? He says it is with the residents, some who are economically under financial stress, and we should not be indifferent to their situations. Just grandstanding talk, as he keeps wanting to spend. Ms. Sherman told you, you all needed to make cuts to the budget, but I guess you were not listening . So who pays the executive director's salary, of Ms. Kasheta, of the Main Street Apopka, and what is her salary amount? We have had vision meetinga in the past, and still no viable city center. Apopka Chamber is where now, and the CRA is spinning their wheels wanting to add a director to the payroll for the CRA, and the very lovely economic developer director said downtown revitalization is not her focus......No, her focus is warehouses!!! The main problem with the Apopka City Council is they can't focus, and keep things simple. They get too bogged down on any, and every subject, and frankly, it is exhausting watching them spin their wheels accomplishing NOTHING!

From: Main Street Apopka receives $50,000 grant from City Council

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