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Thank you Comm. Nesta for serving the majority. It is sad and unfortunate that a minority group will never see or admit to Mayor Bryan Nelson’s failed leadership. These are the very same folks that don’t engage in city business or city politics. These are the very same people that thinks Nelson and Wylam correctly handled the negligent and preventable death of Apopka Firefighter, Austin Duran. These same people think it was appropriate for the Mayor to give “PERFECT” job performance evaluations to a documented failed fire chief just months after the death of a firefighter and 2 official reports citing failures of the department. 2 reports of failure, yet Wylam was “perfect” ? The mayor does NOT act ethically for the city or his residents. Fact is, he is a liar. He in FACT lied to the commission and the residents. Not political, just a fact. The mayor also instructed his staff to present a false slide of firefighter/police officer pay. Again, cherry picking what HE wants to get out there, and not reasonably allowing a rebuttal from our firefighters. Being shady and cutting the YouTube video and putting that on his own IT director is shameful and unethical.

From: Nesta rebukes Nelson for moving public comments and turning off the live feed at Apopka City Council meeting

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