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And Susan Beth is a person who doesn't think anyone else's opinion matters, if she doesn't like what you say. What I watched and listened to the last city council meeting was a classic case of coming in like a lion, and going out like a lamb, LOL. Nesta roared in there showing off about the placing public comments at the end, arguing about it, and the mayor telling him, we are now going to the fire negotiations, and he kept on and on, then saying, it's not going away, and started arguing over it again, when returning to the dais, and demanding a second to his motion, which Velazquez did reluctantly, then the vote did not go his way, with the mayor, Smith, and Anderson voting to put comments at the end of the meetings. This is when Nesta suddenly became pretty much quiet the rest of the meeting.......from lion to lamb, because he did not get his way on that vote that he demanded! Obviously, many of you all keep saying EVERYONE wants the public comments at the beginning of the meetings, but that vote proved otherwise. I find it comical that Nesta refers to citizens, as "my residents" in his article above......you don't own me, I am not yours, for your possession.

From: Nesta rebukes Nelson for moving public comments and turning off the live feed at Apopka City Council meeting

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