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Well said Comm. Nesta. Please keep repeating "the current censured Mayor, Bryan Nelson." Nelson earned that censure for lying to the rest of the council and the public. He hasn't stopped lying/deceiving people and he likely never will, so people need to keep being reminded of it. They need to remember it come the next election, if he's still around. Obviously when that one comes up, Nelson certainly won't be sending out a slew of letters to citizens, trying to get them to send their ballots to him. How he slithered out of being charged criminally is just another indicator that he's not the only one that breaks the rules.

During the next council meeting, it should be brought up that he again deceived the rest of the council and the public. Even after being called out on excluding the rest of the council from being a part of the decision and having been forced to do so, Nelson still withheld his dirty little secret. And in doing so, he again intentionally violated policy by yet again leaving the rest of the council out of a decision to cut the video feed to the public comment section. He continues to break public trust.

There doesn't appear to be much of anything bad he won't do to get his way. So what if he had no conscience in other acts, too, in allowing the company he picked to dump just about anything and everything into the drinking water, including asphalt (which is a carcinogenic). So what if he allowed a lot of turtles to be covered up, crushed or drowned in the incident caused by negligence. So what if he ignored the Duran family after the senseless and preventable death of their firefighter son and brother, and rewarded those responsible. He can't possibly have a conscience.

So, as difficult as it can be, Comm. Nesta, keep standing up for what's right, for the people and the remainder of the council. Comm. Velazquez will do the same and the good people of the city will back both of you.

From: Nesta rebukes Nelson for moving public comments and turning off the live feed at Apopka City Council meeting

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